At first sight ~ Hannah Sunderland ☆ Arc review

Disclamer: I did received this book via the publisher & Netgalley in exchange for a genuine review.
Good morning!
This book isn’t set to publish before April 1st, but I was so eager to read it after the publisher had contacted me and read the synopsis that I just HAD to read it right away! It involves one of my favorite, meeting someone at random in a café — as i’m currently working in one.
4 / 5 stars
Even before starting the first chapter, I was pleased to see an author’s note warning us that this book includes loss, grief, depression & suicide — thus to proceed with care if any of thoses things are something the reader is sensitive about.
I don’t recall seeing any novel with the main character working in a call center of some sort.. and even less in a mental health help-line! So I deeply appreciated the career choice; having that type of things in novels definately normalise the idea of calling one, which is amazing. I thought the subject was handled pretty well, as Nell clearly had some psychotherapy formation, so in times we get little tidbits about the depressed brain like for exemple why they tend to self-neglect themselves.
«People often saw antidepressants and anti-anxiety meds as giving in to weakness but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Having the guts to ask for help was a strength that all too many people didn’t possess and the social stigma around anxiety, depression or other mental health issues often deprives people of that final ounce of courage to seek the help they need». I happened to fall on that citation from Nell on a day where I had just upgraded my antidepressant’s dose.. so needless to say it was quite needed in that time 🥰
While it’s true that the novel deals with rather heavy stuff, it was a pleasant read for me! I enjoyed how knowledgeable Nell was toward mental health – as she’s working with them – and how she goes as far as proudly defending them in front of a jugmental Christian mother.
I cried so many tears.. but it truly was a beautiful story.