Bare Yourself ; Book Tag

Good morning!

yep.. still sortof within my blogging block – But instead of going with a meme, I thought why not doing a Book Tag this time! As it’s been quite a while since we’ve done a book tag.. and this one had quite interresting questions about my shelves!

I found this one, which was quite old- oops, on BookwormsAnonymous


A Book you own but haven’t read yet

Oh yes, we have a lot of that here.. as of which you can peak on my Goodread Shelf, there is currently 20 books on it- as 3 on the list are in one trio book 😬 Trying not to buy some more until I shrinked it more.. 


Books your friends love

Well- as we know my real friends don’t quite read.. but I sure has LOTS that my blogger friends loved, which in fact are the reason why I got to them on the first place 😅

Anxious people, Emergency Contact, Our year of Maybe, The upside of falling.. 


Books by an author you love

The one author I probably has the most of currently, would be Ruth Ware! My favorite authors changed since younger it used to be Guillaume Musso.. as of which I sort of fell out of, and discovered so many new authors from book blogging!


Books at the bottom of your TBR

I gave up on quite alot of them already, as the desire to read them just.. kind of vanished. Thoses that remained, still, since 2017 has been Guillaume Musso’s L’instant Présent aswell as my trio book of Peter James. Who knows when i’d actually get to them, or chuck them too!


Books with colour in the title.

Wow- I actually only have ONE. Louise Gornall’s Under-Rose tainted skies, and then if we push onto my e-books, I also have The Silver Queen by Josie Jaffrey. I definately need more books with colors in the title, damn.. 😂


Books set somewhere you’d like to visit

I pretty much wanna go everywhere, I don’t have any specifics in mind 🙈


Most collected author

Again, that would be Ruth Ware. Followed by Matt Haig, probably, as i’ve been growing off his works lately; reading the Midnight Library and wanting to expand with the comfort book.


Mismatched series

As we know, i’m not a “serie” person – However; I did received Olga Gibbs’ first book out of the Celestial Creatures serie physically, Heavenward, as of which changed covers since to match with the 3 others in the serie that I own digitally. There’s also Le Journal d’Aurélie Lafflamme that was my favorite growing up; I own the original 6 books in the first edition of the books… and the last one came up years after the original ending in a latter edition of the books.


Books you love but don’t remember well

..basically everything before anxiety hit me 😬

Memoir of a teenage amnesiac & the state we’re in, to name a few


How many books do you have?

After needing to count them, I currently physically own 110 books. Definately one of the smaller amounts, but I was under the impression I was under a hundred.


Is your shelf everything you want it to be?

I definately need more books! However, that being said, I don’t hate my current shelf — Sure, I need to eventually rearrange some squares to be able to fit more books, not taking into account the “pretty mess” of miss-matched items.. but I do like it. Definately prettier than the one I used to have, in my opinion.



Do you have books on the “end” of your TBR?
Which author is your most collected/favorite?
Are you happy with your current shelvings?



  1. I haven’t done a book tag in ages and I actually love doing them so much!! This one does seem like so much fun. Although all the questions regarding my TBR might just leave me with me head burried in the sand. LOL!

    Elza Reads

    1. Right 😂 my tbr has like 800 books on it that id wanna get to rofl.. thank you blogging!

  2. I’m very happy with my current shelving! All my books are in my office so it’s a great space. My most collected author is probably John Green and C.J Tudor1

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