Blogging struggles; titles??

Blogging struggles; titles??

Good morning!

As we know, while blogging can be a wonderful experience and a nice hobby- it also takes a lot of work creating content.. which might be a constant “tab” in our heads that we have to keep a hold of.

Sometimes- we run into a few struggles, as i’ll be sharing one of my big one today!


I’m mainly a thinker, so i’d be doing something – work, going to sleep, shower, etc. and then a blogpost idea would come to me. But not just the idea itself.. I’d start writing the post in my head- which can go pretty far 😅 I don’t have the time to grasp all of it before it dissapear and i’m losing bits of it..

Most times, I have an easy title for them- it just comes right with the idea. Other times, I just don’t know what I could call it ?? and I can’t find one for the life of me 0.0 So what happens then? the idea usually gets discarded.. as a title is pretty important and one can’t do without it.


Something that I skip on that Iknow could help me find one, is write it down. Even if it’s not on wordpress, usually writting it down so you can tangibly see and reread it might have a title pop on.. maybe not right this second, but worst case a few days later as we think about it. however, effort..

Some of my ideas do come with one- but I deem the title to be either too long, or kinda meh, or even wonder if people would even be attracted by it or even read that. One thing that I should let go off a bit, because my job isn’t to judge wether people would be interrested in reading it.. but rather what I wanna talk about. But just like I like my posts to be longer… I don’t like long titles 🤣



Do you struggle finding post titles too?
Do you have other tips for me?

6 thoughts on “Blogging struggles; titles??

  1. I have started writing notes and idea in the notes app on my phone. I never thought I’d be able to write on my phone but it is really helpful in the moment.

    1. Wierdly this doesn’t bother me! Though I should be doing that more- maybe eventually my brain can pick up a title for them 😅

  2. Writing longer or more specific titles can help with SEO and when people Google about the topic you are sharing.


    1. Right, but too long personally bothers me ahah 😅 i should probably ease up a little onto stressing about them- sure is an unecessary thing to worry about ahah

    1. Fair! Ahaha
      Can’t say i’ve been imaginative to begin with, but the more time passes, the more we get out of ideas 😝 While it’s less clickbait.. it’s better to keep it simple, eh?

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