Blogging with Anxiety; Overthinking & paranoïa

To people with anxiety, it’s not a secret that this illness love to make you overthink and doubt everything.. unfortunately for me, blogging doesn’t skip on that spiral thinking.


My other “Blogging with Anxiety” posts; Feeling we’re not enough // Content Wise // Stats // Posts Paranoïa // Have I posted this before? // Can I Say that? // Missing A Post // Tags // Not a “good enough” post // Was it worth posting?


Overthinking play a huge role developping all the others in this serie: Wondering if what i’m writing is good enough, worried that i’ve already written on that before and will seem like a broken record, what missing a post can imply for me or what will my following think .. but sadly it’s not only that.


While iknow it’d be ridiculous for an author or a publisher to send a copyright claim to everyone who post a book cover, or even take a picture of their book cover, I can’t help but worry about that whenever I make a Top Ten Tuesday or #5OnMyTBR list and include a few of them. It somehow feels safer to just take my own pictures of the books instead of the cover directly from goodreads — even if that’s not really the case, as we know that technically they could be against that too.

When I started doing some first line fridays, what had me paranoïd was this little phrase inside the books copyright saying that the book shall not be reproduced in part or in whole in any form without written consent. While it’s just now occuring to me that quotes or a few lines is probably not what’s targetted here, I just got scared that somehow there was a possibility i’d get an angry letter because of it.

In my post where I created some organ donation themed synopsis, two out of three of them I found books similar to them — and although yes, it truly wasn’t on purpose as I wasn’t awere thoses books existed for the most part, and the same experiences could be repeating for more than one person in a lifetime.. I was still scared of  it being labelled as plagiarism. Even when we know mostly all ideas has probably already been done before at it’s core, it’s all in the differences and not having a picture perfect copy/paste book in all it’s details or events.


All in all, it’d be overly stupid for them to act on thoses, and we know that — us book bloggers wanna promote the books we love by talking about them, including them in lists and etc. So why would they do something that could harm it? It wouldn’t make sense by logic, and yet – anxiety doesn’t care of the logics of things.


Are you an overthinking blogger too?


  1. I’ve definitely worried about this before myself, even though all bloggers do it, and I believe you’re allowed to use official pictures of covers and quotes and things for review purposes. I definitely tend to overthink things too though, and it doesn’t matter if I tell myself things aren’t logical!

    1. Nope.. I wish that knowing things aren’t logical would help 😂 but the brain just don’t care..

      Yeah for reviews it should be allowed- and it’d be a hell lot of people to go against if *even* they’d wanted to, so the chance is still very slim.

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