Blogging with Anxiety; Would people wanna read this // Is it too personal


As I was reading Jayatiā€™s ā€œBlogging anxietiesā€ yesterday, thoses specific fears of mine just hit me ā€” which is pretty ironic that they are probably the most present ones lately šŸ˜…Ā To my surprise, I havenā€™t really talked about thoses yet!Ā (though pretty much all of them end up being a little mess of a few things stagged together)


My other ā€œBlogging with Anxietyā€ posts;Ā Feeling weā€™re not enoughĀ //Ā Content WiseĀ //Ā StatsĀ //Ā Posts ParanoĆÆaĀ //Ā Have I posted this before?Ā //Ā Can I Say that?Ā //Ā Missing A PostĀ //Ā TagsĀ //Ā Not a ā€œgood enoughā€ postĀ //Ā Was it worth posting?Ā //Ā Overthinking & ParanoĆÆaĀ // feeling like a broken record


Ofcourse I started this blog because not only do I barely have any friends, but theyā€™re not even bookish to begin with! And speaking YA books with my mother or godmother that are way older than me is fine, but quite different.. Sometimes itā€™s just nice to speak with someone along your own age, right?

Though I still very much give myself the ā€œBook Blogā€ etiquette, as time passed I start branching out more to not just books ā€“ but gaming, blogging, mental health.. and anything else that I feel like writing, really! Sometimes, this even becomes a sort of diary where I vent out everything thatā€™s bothering me about a subject in specificĀ (which would be ā€œMy writingā€ posts); as iā€™m a thinker, writing down what is bothering me helps greatly. Added the fact that whoever is reading me might help with a different perspective I havenā€™t thought of, or simply share their own struggles too.


Would people wanna read this?
While iknow the concept of a blog is that YOU have the choice of whatever you wanna post, aswell as when ā€¦ I struggle alot with the thought that what I might have to say wouldnā€™t be interresting enough. Itā€™s a kind of ā€œtraumaā€ in a way, as iā€™ve always been labelled as the annoying one growing up, my self confidence hasnā€™t really recovered šŸ˜¶

Most times than not, I end up sharing whatever I wrote to one/a few of my friends to get their thoughts on the matter. Not once had they told me I shouldnā€™t post it ā€“ theyā€™ve always been positive that it was indeed interresting and I should go ahead and post it. All of them. Iā€™m trying my hardest to just, stop thinking so much and just press the damn button! šŸ¤£Ā I can post and write whatever I want.. who cares the stats it gets?Ā 
(Truthfully, the past few months had horrible views ā€“ highest being around 400 a month, to a low 200/250 lately)


Is it too personal?
Iā€™m a big fan of oversharing.. as we know. And growing up along with new technology in the 2000s, iā€™m very much aware and concerned about internet safety. One other thing my obsessive side of my anxiety just takes and runs with ā€” being torn between the writting relief of things, with people being able to give you feedback unlike writing in a notebook, and the paranoĆÆa of ā€œCan I say that online safely?ā€.

Most times I tend to just ignore it or partly share it anyway.. aswell as refering myself to what iā€™ve read other bloggers sharing in Sundayā€™s Post or wrap ups to kinda base myself on.



Do you struggle with thoses too?
What are you personal blogging anxieties?


  1. My blogging anxieties are similar to yours, esp. whether the stuff I write online will be seen by people I know in real life and whether people are at all interested in what I post. I am glad you expressed your anxieties in this post. And donā€™t worry, do keep posting what you feel like!

    1. Thank you dear ā¤ļø
      Somehow, people I know in real life reading what I wrote isnā€™t an issue for me.. I would willingly show them šŸ˜…

  2. Ah I am always worried about oversharing too but I also think that itā€™s my blog and yeah, itā€™s majorly about books but at the end of the day, it is about who I am and I get to choose what all I talk about it even if it feels a bit too much to be telling others.
    and well, you know Iā€™m worried about whether people will want to read it but Iā€™m hoping if I continue to post about things important to me, there will be people who will find them important too!

    1. Thatā€™s very true, though I worry more of the Ā«Ā safetyĀ Ā» side of things.. not really the oversharing itself :p

      Yes! We want people who loves the blog for the writer rather than solely the content ā€” as the content can change, but well.. we canā€™t šŸ˜…

  3. Oh my gosh, Iā€™m an over-sharer, too! I also donā€™t know how to teach (whether in person of via my writing) without stories. So I often feel my blog should have a ā€œCast of Charactersā€ section on the ā€œAbout ā€ page XD. But I vividly remember the first post I ever wrote where I *really* got into my fears/anxiety and my journey with my mental health. I used a ā€˜Doctor Whoā€™ episode where the Doctor is trapped in a Confession Dial as the avenue to discuss those issues in my own life and it was really uncomfortable hitting ā€œpublishā€ for it.

    Ultimately though it was helpful. And Iā€™ve pushed myself to try and share more in similar pieces since then and, while itā€™s a bit unnerving hitting ā€œpost,ā€ it always feels rewarding to open myself in that way. Iā€™ve even spent some time reading and exploring some of those posts with my therapist in our sessions. As Iā€™ve found your blog and been reading several of your posts tonight, I really appreciate your sharing here and I wanted to let you know Iā€™m with you :D. Itā€™s a bit unnerving but I think itā€™s so, so worth it.

    1. Iā€™m happy to hear!
      Writing has always been that outlet for me; as iā€™m a big thinker, the act of writing whatā€™s rolling over in my head allow me to really let it go and allow me to be able to sleep afterward. (Ofcourse im also suffering from insomnia..) ā€” I love being able to just let my fingers connect directly to my brain and write everything as it comes without modifying anything. Iā€™m quite good at that.

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