Bookish Throwback Thursday

Hello my lovely bookworms !!


I saw this about two weeks ago, but we are finally jumping on this train of a rather new weekly meme (every thursdays) created by the amazing Erin @ bluestockingbookworm.

Feel free to go check out the first post of this meme I saw, so the one from 2weeks ago, but know there will be one every week where you can add the link up to yours directly onto her post for that week ! [Here’s the last one]


There’s no specific prompts for right now (we might get some if it gets popular !) but in short here what can be posted;

° A past review that you now found horrible
° Something you were reading t last year or years ago on this date
° A book you read 5+ years ago that might get a reread
° Something else you can think of along thoses lines .. 

Today, I chosed the one before last, so something I read about 5years ago and would like to reread.

My new blog’s profile picture, as you may as noticed, and the book is also known as “Memoirs of a teenage amnesiac” from Gabrielle Zevin.


I’m not sure when exactly I read it first, but I think it was some time in high school; as of which I graduated from in 2012, so about five (5) years ahah.

I remember having absolutely LOVED it, even had dreamt about it 😂Where I was the girl and I was married to the bestfriend (also we were in the woods for some reasons.. eeeh..)

This is one of thoses books that I used to remember the whole plot of it, even years later and could basically summarize the book for you; now.. not so much – I do still remember the accident, and her not being able to remember x number of years behind present time aswell as questionning the whys she did some things in particular. Until one day she does slowly gain in back ! As I stated in my recent #BeatTheBacklist post, I’m hoping to read it again soon and plop you a review of it on this blog! 😄


Have you read this book, or planning to ?
Did you liked it? 


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