Bujo post & news ~ September / October edition


Finally September has came to an end and we shall welcome the spookiest month of October ✨  Unfortunately in my part of Canada, we’ve passed from the +40 degrees Celcius straight to freezing and frost overnight … jumping right over my perfect weather of “not-too-cold and not-too-hot” 🙃


September’s feeling overall;

My sinus has been killin’ me this month.. I kept having huge forehead headaches, which was draining me — but it started getting better now that i’m using a nose spray aswell as the cold & sinus advil pills. Other than that, i’ve been working quite alot this month and doing extra hours..

On netflix i’ve been watching some Lucifer (season 2) occasionally with my mother, a few Sakura the cardcaptor episodes here and there, and I finally watched the haunting of hills house. Ive also finished haunted & unsolved mysteries.


September’s major events;

♥ I’ve been struggling to read this month.. so I only finished We used to be friends“.

♥ I got the promotion for Night Supervisor! ✨ I shall now only do the evening shifts – which we now close at 9pm instead of 8. I’d like to finally instore some kind of routine; getting to bed around midnight, and waking up around maybe 830/9am so I can maybe do some yoga and get things done before leaving to work at 1pm.

♥ Kafei has yet again needed to start anxiety meds.. with the changes with covid and how we had been kinda stuck at home for a while & me working more the first time; this time it was a mix of me & dad being on vacation and with dad’s nose surgery, he had been slipping into his old habit of “caring too much” — so when everything got back to normal it hit on him; peeing more in the house and occasional crisis of shaking and crying after going outside. Good news is that he’s much calmer and better now!

♥ As a wierd little thing to “celebrate”, it has now been a whole year since my last relationship.. although it only lasting a year, it’s sometimes hard to go back to another reality after living a certain way for so long.


Bujo pages for October;

We cracked open a new bullet journal !! So excited, so ithink i’ve been way more creative than usual when making it 😅 instead of the usual “guide pages”, I’ve decided to write some quotes that I like and would wanna remember for myself.


Here’s the monthly page! Of course in the color of black & gold — With my leaves stickers I had been so eager to use, and my poorly drawn pumpkin xd


and here’s the blog planning page with cute little ghosts



Was your September better than mine?
Anything exciting coming for you in October?


  1. I absolutely love those little ghosts! And yay for a new BuJo! I love starting new BuJos – it kind of feels like a new phase in life!

    1. Yess! You wanna make it all perfect.. and then eventually it just slips as you get through this new bujo ahahah 😂

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