Good morning! Here’s the first review of 2020! (will I ever get tired of saying this? I don’t think so xd) I sadly couldn’t finish this book before 2019’s ended, but atleast for this one it didn’t took me until a DAY before my time was up for the library ….
Category: Book Reviews
Good morning! It’s been about a year now that i’ve picked up it’s “sibling’s book”, Reasons to Stay Alive [My review]; and thought it was about time I hop onto Notes on a Nervous Planet. Shifting from the question “Why should I stay alive”, to another one “How to Live ….
Heyy look who picked up a 2019’s release WITHOUT it being an arc. Iknow- shocking eh ?! 😱 I was scrolling my libby app onto what I felt like reading, and this one looked interesting.. Like i’ve said in my Bujo post if you read it, I was actually really ….
Good morning! I originally hadn’t planned to read this book now, but I was actually on a search for my next french read and having nothing that I felt like reading on my shelves; so I went to the bookstore instead. When I saw the french translation of it, L’année Solitaire, ….
**Disclamer: I did received a copy of this book from the author for review purpose. This had in no way, shape or form affected my opinion on it.** Good morning, I’ve received this review request back in July, so i’m quite late upon publishing it! The plot involving Amerindian’s ….
Good morning! After I read «In a dark, dark wood» last year, I wanted to buy pretty much every Ruth Ware I could find! I also have «The Woman in the Cabin 10» sitting on my shelves waiting for me to get to it. As you know, this month hasn’t ….
Good morning! I have my first review of September for you today! I’m honestly not too sure why I picked up this book at my library to start, but it was showcased on Libby’s homepage for my library’s “Together we Read” (From August 15-29.. i’m a little late).. and I ….
Heey! So I finally finished another book this month 😄 Be warned that I did included Jonah’s “situation” within my review, which wasn’t in the synopsis, but I wouldn’t really consider it a spoiler personally as you discover it’s within the first two chapters of his POV; however, I thought ….
**Disclamer: I did received a copy of this book from the author for review purpose. This had in no way, shape or form affected my opinion on it.** Good Morning, It had been a while since i’ve accepted a review request, but this one looked interesting to me as ….
Heey! If you remember, Nicola had contacted me last year to read and review the first of this duology: The Cornershop in Cockleberry Bay. I was sadly not contacted to read this sequel, but I just loved the first one so much that I felt like going back in Cockleberry ….