Category: Book Reviews

Eleanor & Parks ~ Rainbow Rowell ☆ Review

Heey! I’m not sure if you remember, but this book has actually been waiting for me on my shelves for maybe more than a year now.. i’ve been a bit reluctant to read it after some negative reviews i’ve seen *aherm* What got me into reading this particular one this ….

Reasons to Stay Alive ~ Matt Haig ☆ Review

I’ve been following Matt Haig‘s twitter even before that I’ve had realized that he was a writer; I think one of my friends over there shared one of his tweet and I just falled in love. Everything he said about anxiety & depression was pinpoint and I was loving them! ….

Radio Silence ~ Alice Oseman ☆ Bilingual Review

Heey ! It’s been a while since I’ve been saying I wanted to read this book (atleast since I started blogging.. *aherm*), doubled with “it’s been a while” since i’ve read and reviewed a book IN PAPER!! 😅 As you can probably see in the picture, i’ve read it as «Silence Radio» ….

Fountain dead ~ Theresa Braun ☆ review

**Disclaimer: I did received a copy of this book from the author for review purpose. This has in no way, shape or form affected my opinion on it**   I got contacted by the author to review this YA horror novel early last month, and genuinely had wanted to have the review ….

The Silver Queen ~ Josie Jaffrey ☆ Review

**Disclaimer: I did received a copy of this book from the author for review purpose. This has in no way, shape or form affected my opinion on it**   I reviewed the tome one; The Gilded king before, so feel free to go check it aswell. It’s hard to say much ….