Category: Bookish

The pursuit of our fairytale ✨

* Yet another post sponsored by my breakup 🤭 *   If you’re someone who likes romance, or even like me; that was in her truly first “real” relationship, you might wanna try too hard to seek your very own fairytale from the get-go. Usually in YA contemporary romance books, you ….

Types of books I don’t plan to read

Good morning ! As readers, we all have our favorites type of books, but we also have thoses that we just won’t ever pick up in a million years .. It can either be because of part(s) of the plot, or just a genre in general. Sometimes we may have ….

Popular Books That I Couldn’t Get Into..

Good morning! Yep, i’m actually going to be a little extra here and throw in a FORTH  #BookendingSummer prompt — This one being the prompt for July 20th, by Rachel @ The Must Reads (her post here). → Popular Books That I Couldn’t Get Into What are some books that got ….

Let’s talk “Smut” genre 🤭

First, taking off this post with a confession .. I’ve never read a smut/erotica book ever, so far. Sure, I’ve read a contemporary here and there that had one or two sex scene in it – but nothing too too major that would make me qualify it as such. I’ve ….

All tbr(s) counts… right ?

Good morning ! As you may know, I always devided my tbr of book owned (aka, thoses currently standing on my shelves) from the ones I don’t own and have crossed from other’s blog. [Physical tbr / Virtual want to read] In the past, i’ve always picked books that I ….

What’s a spoiler ?

Good morning ! By definition, we kind of know what a spoiler means. I mean, quite simple ; Not tell the ending of a story/movie/etc. However, This is something I kind of always struggle with, as I want all my reviews to be spoiler-free.   Exemple; If a person go ….

Does it matter if it’s YA or A ?

Good Morning ! It’s Sunday, which mean relax day! (or, you know, super “productive” day… ) So let’s converse about books, shall we ? 😘   I actually never paid attention if a book was Young Adult, or Adult, or etc.. Mostly because at first I had absolutely no idea ….

What I like to see in my books !

** This idea came from a Top Ten Tuesday prompt of April, “What makes me pick up a book”. Hosted by The Artsy Reader Girl since January 2018. **   Good morning! So, i’ve seen this going around and wanted to do it too ! Though it’s not necessarely things ….

Acadians in books; a tale of my culture

Good morning! To be honest, I wasn’t quite sure what I wanted to share with y’all today..  And then I wanted to come back to an idea that popped into my head while listening to a re-make of a song based on one of our most-known acadian stories. What if ….

What does my personal rating means?

The idea came to me after reading Haley’s post “Crap Critiquing Skills“; However, it’s also the conversation “The bloggers in the attic’s” by Camilla are conversing this month aswell! Though their discussion is more toward the rating in general, while this will be only what my stars means and a ….