Halfway reading goal stats | 2024 edition!

Halfway reading goal stats | 2024 edition!


We’re going on pretty strong, i’m halfway through my 40 books read (so, 20) and we’re halfway through the year.. so we can definately do this !! As long as we don’t go too much under we should be good- but hey there’s no zelda game coming out this year 😝

Related; 2024 reading goal 


We had a few more goals this year: more non-fiction, 4 rereads, 2 audiobooks and 1/3 of french books read (so min 13).


Books read (language/format)
*️⃣ Non-fictions  🔄 Reread   ▶️ Audiobooks


  1. Vera Wong’s Unsolicited Advice for Murderers (SG; En/phys.)
  2. Squad (SG; En/library Ebook)
  3. Out of Character (SG; En/Phys.)
  4. Youtumeurs #1- l’urbex de l’horreur (SG; Fr/Ebook)
  5. Haunted Healthcare *️⃣ (SG; En/Phys.)
  6. La bibliothèque des reves secrets (SG; Fr/Phys.)
  7. La malédiction du Cecil Hotel *️⃣ (SG; Fr/Ebook)
  8. Horrorstör (SG; En/Phys.)
  9. The Spiderwick Chronicles 1-2  🔄▶️ (SG; En/Library Audio)
  10. Anna Carritas l’éveilleur Partie 2 (SG; Fr/Phys.)
  11. La belle et la bête (SG; Fr/Phys.)
  12. The Psychology of Stupidity *️⃣ (SG; En/Library Ebook)
  13. Before the Coffee gets cold (SG; En/Phys.)
  14. No Judgements (SG; En/Phys.)
  15. Youtumeurs #2 – L’invasion du Monstre (SG; Fr/Ebook)
  16. Eliza and her monsters 🔄 (SG; En/Phys.)
  17. Share your stuff. I’ll go first *️⃣ (SG; En/Library Ebook)
  18. YouTumeurs #3 – l’idéologie du mal partie 1 (SG; Fr/Ebook)
  19. Mademoiselle Godemiché (SG; Fr/Phys.)
  20. The Wall of Winnipeg and me (SG; En/Phys.)



*️⃣ Non-fictions – 4
🔄 Reread  – 2 (of 4)
▶️ Audiobooks – 1 (of 2)

French books – 8 (of 13)


Ithink we’re on a pretty good roll! I’d definately take more Non-fictions, but as I didn’t set a specific number goal for that one.. In the next 20 books, I’d need atleast 2 rereads, one more audiobooks and 5 french books- it’s definately doable!


How’s your yearly reading goal’s coming? 

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