How many categories is too many?


I’m finally tackling another discussion question that I have thought about writing so many times but just.. didn’t, for some reason 🤷🏽‍♀️


I’m the type of person who wanna have LOTS of categories within a “main category”.. because the way I see it, I want EVERYTHING to be available right away if ever anyone is looking for it (which, some might say that’s the tags’ responsibility).

Many posts would also be within two category; like if its a BESummer post about general blogging, i’d have them filed as both of thoses – so people would get it if they choose to only pick one of the two.


Except for the “Memes” and “Others” Category, I think i’m getting better at having less.. as they all have only 1-2 smaller category except for thoses two. Although I could improve the memes by choosing to tag the meme name instead of having it as a category.. while I kind of wanna keeps the other one that way as I wanna keep the “tags”, “mental health” and “off topics” separate..

On my free wp, I used to have ALL of them at the top of my header right away; which some bloggers pointed out to me how anxiety-inducing that was.. just the way it was all crowded – so this time I have it hidden within a “flap” 😅 which I personally think it’s a good compromise, as I have them easily accessed while not being too much “out there” if you don’t wanna see them, you know.



How many category would you keep at all time & not go beyond?
Do you put a post within multiple categories, or is it just me?
How do you personally use your categories?


  1. I sometimes put posts in up to three categories, which feels like too many, but if I think it’s relevant to that category then I want it to appear in that section. That probably is what tags are for, as you said, but it can be so hard to pick a single category (for example I have a category for book posts, but also for list posts, so if it’s book list post then I would put it in both)!

    1. Yep- I agree with you! The posts that tend to cross is specially the Bookending events, or sometimes the mental healths one too. (Cant think of more rn 😂🤦🏽‍♀️)

  2. Great post! I use tags to differentiate. But I think I too will use separate categories since it can be really helpful.

    1. Yeah! I’m the kind of person who need separate folder/notebooks for everything and just can’t jam them together 🤣 although it seems like *most* bloggers like to go as minimal as possible — which i may tend to go a bit overboard with categories 👀🙊

  3. I personally prefer keeping my posts in one category if at all possible – generally I’ll use tags to differentiate among the posts. Plus it’s a lot organized in my opinion to have categories like the chapters of the blog, and then tags as sort of the index that you can search to find things within those categories. Currently I think I have 9? Maybe? I’ve been going through and cleaning, so it’s possible I’ll end up switching some of the categories that I no longer post into tags.

    1. See, while it does make a lot of sense.. i’m someone who generally struggle to put everything in ONE place 😅 even outside blogging/computers.

      I’m getting better though! I had way more than that before, and now im « very slowly » sorting the meme category to have the different memes as tags and not like smaller categories; but that’s a LOT of work ;-; I know there’s also one under my writing that I don’t use, so I should get rid of that one too (I did get a clean in my tags though! Removing all thoses that were onto one of Alex’s posts..)

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