I heart characters ~ (many) First love(s) ! 💘

I heart characters ~ (many) First love(s) ! 💘

Helloo !

We are back in this meme, woohoo ! A couple days late, however, as this is Aug. 30th’s prompt … but that day was my Bullet Journal post, and as I’m not keen onto posting two posts the same day, I decided to just upload it on my next posting date!

Always better late though, don’t you think ?

** Spoiler alert – i’m sorry, I couldn’t not include some of the details on thoses boys. Not entirely sure it’d be or no, but to be safe i’m putting the alert.


What’s this meme ?

I Heart Characters! is a weekly meme hosted by Dani @ Perspective of a Writer to showcase our book blogger love for characters! Each week she’ll supply a topic and you’ll supply the character. Post on whatever day suits you, about characters from whatever media you love (books, movies, K-dramas, television, manga, anime, webtoons, whatever!) and link up on Thursday so YOU and others can blog hop and share the character love. ♡

As you can see by the title, this prompt was « High School First Love (Pick a character you’d want for your first love! Would it last forever or be a passing relationship?!) ».


Now, let’s just see a few of my book husbands shall we ?
Can a book person only have ONE ?! I don’t think so .. 


♡ First one on my list is Will from renée carlino’s Sweet thing. I got swooped right off my feets for him; let me explain, an adorable and sweet guy who’s a musician to top it off !! guitarist AND sings – he was everything I ever wanted in his behavior and looks and I just couldn’t resist… the romance was just SO everything aswell.

♡ Next, we have reid from the art of french kissing. Now he was a cocky one to start on a dick move for that culinary competition (which brought them in almost kicking him out of it with their battle of revange…) but also a cute japanese queer guy. So arrogant at times that made my blood boil as I am a strong headed gal aswell, but in the end coming to the very sweet one after realizing the love cannot be fought.

♡ Of course I cannot have a list like this without Sam of Heavenward !! This Angel who were protecting our MC from the very beggining, passing through everything to save her, even if she tried to get away from him with one of his huge enemy and having the poor guy deal with her biting and everything she could do to make him go away ! The fact he keep joking with her name and calling her “mermaid” didn’t helped my falling for him ahah – Now I cannot help but picture him in one of my favorite song, Fighter of Carrie underwood and Kurt Urban.

♡ Lucas from The gilded king is also an obvious one I HAVE to say. The “bizare” one out of the silvers that nobody really want to be assigned to, as he’s not following the rules and have a bad rep; and HOLY how sweetheart that basically live in a garden on top of a roof (!!! my dream.) and prefer to have bad things happend to himself as he know his partner don’t really want to and doesn’t wanna push her. He’s also the youngest of his gang and still believe in fairytales !! Which the one of their world is super amazing by the way, I’d so dream to have one silvering for me!💗

♡ Caleb, from the heart between us. Now THAT was probably the healthiest relationship I’ve ever read in a book. He’s been there as his bestfriend from the very beggining when they were both in hospital waiting for an heart transplant when they were kids. Always on her side, planning their future travels, and kept pushing her towards what she really wanted. He was a total sweetheart and always there for his girl, which of course you bet that made me fall over heels !

♡ Last but not least, Alex from perfect chemistery. THE badboy of the clan; a member of a street gang where one just cannot leave and furthermore had made a bet to seduce and sleep with the most popular and perfect girl of the school ! Us women have to have atleast than ONE bad boy, eh ? ahah – poor alex’s plan didn’t went as planned and ended up falling for her. Going from a bad boy to the sweetest to be sure his blondie is safe and get encouraged by her to leave that gang and say no more of that drug traffiquing; which will end up being harder than expected.


I kept getting more guys onto my head as I was going, so let me stop at 6 before we are here until next month ! ahah – Have you read thoses books, if so tell me .. what do you think of my wonderful guys ? (even if you didn’t .. tell me how lovely they sound 😘..)