I Guess that’s why romance books don’t start on tinder..

I Guess that’s why romance books don’t start on tinder..

* Warning; this post might not make as much sense as my others, as it hasn’t been written in a proper state of mind. Of course, I also know that every relationships are differents – and no, I do not hate him. Though i’m obviously hurt about this, it has been done respectfully and we shall try to remains friends. *



If the events were to not happen this way, this post would’ve been so much different.. but life has an amazing way of just laughing at your face in the worst moments.


Have you ever noticed that not many romance books start as “I met him on tinder?” Although i’m no expert, I’ve personally only stumbled upon one – and it was more of a comedic chick flick, if I remember correctly. Not to the scale of “and they loved happily ever after”, like I would’ve had wanted — as it was more what my own relationship was, right. It’s usually either that or a steamy romance/one night stand kind of thing.

Where are my fluffy books about meeting a very sweet & caring human on tinder (or other dating app, whatever) and going to dates, starting a relationship, living together.. Okay we might look down upon internet dating “in general”, but that’s now where our society is – there’s just gonna be more and more of that.

As long as you find someone genuine who loves you with no borders, They also have a chance to work. Of course what matters the most is the love, the communication and the respect .. as long you have that and they make you happy, you can make it work.


Anyway, all that to say that i’m no longer with Alex. Most of it has to do with our situation with living like “long distance” relationship even though we were in the same town, aswell as our trouble of seeing each other because of our work schedule not matching/his last school year consisting of group projects & stuff.

If we’re being honest, it did crossed my mind a handful of times – but he took the finality of it; it’s really hard and it wasn’t making him happy. My heart has still completely shattered and I find it hard nonetheless.. even if in theory, nothing really changed as we only comunicated via discord and last time we saw each other was atleast 2 weeks ago.

I wanna think that maybe it was at the wrong timing or.. and that love will always find a way. But for now it is what is it — which shall also be for a reason, as they say, but I just can’t supply one as of now.

I still have this panicky feeling/on-off crying phase, but you can’t rewind time even if you don’t wanna feel this excrutiating pain .. there’s no other choice than to feel, I guess..


Have you seen online dating in a (YA) fluffy contemporary romance lately? 

7 thoughts on “I Guess that’s why romance books don’t start on tinder..

    1. Thank you, I started feeling so much better !
      In a way.. idk, I feel like maybe he may come back. Though I shall not bet all my rocks on it, of course, it feels odd – the explanation doesn’t really.. fit?

  1. I haven’t read any YA online dating books but I feel like there should be more of them. This is a really common way to meet people in society and it should be better reflected in books – both the ups and downs of it. I’m sorry to hear about your relationship. I hope things work out better in the future for you two. Great post!

  2. Awww I’m sad to hear this Kristina even though long distance relationships are so hard. ❤️ Funny you asked about books about online dating there is one book I read about a dating app… its called A Match Made In Mehendi. Sounds cute!

    1. Ah right- I did saw that one ! It escaped my mind.

      Actually, in this case it was a benefit of the breakup xd I feel like because we didn’t saw each other that often, it was sorta easier to the feels? As hey- we only comunicated on discord anyway..

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