My problem with Habit Trackers..

My problem with Habit Trackers..

The habit tracker is a page in your Bujo where you choose which “habit” you wanna track, and then color the square for each day of the month that you do it. You can then have a better overview of how often you do it/what you can work on.

While I actually love the purpose of this page, I have quite a love/hate relationship with it..


Maybe this has to do with my little paranoid personality, but this page alone has me constantly open and close my Bujo. This is THE page that I probably spend the most time on; because everytime that I do something I have to color it, or even look to see how many of it I have left to do.

That being said, every time that I can’t or don’t have enough spoons to do something, my depression/anxiety overrides and that makes me feel super bad about myself.. the more empty my habit tracker is that day, the worst it makes me feel.


However, I don’t want to completely remove it either; as i’m someone who likes to be reminded/told what to do. I fear that without having it written, I might forget to do some “important” things.. and I do like the satisfaction when I can do most of what’s on my list.


How do you feel about trackers? Would you have a solution for me?

Is there another page in particular that you have problems with, too?

7 thoughts on “My problem with Habit Trackers..

  1. I have the hardest time maintaining my writing habit- by now it’s not really a habit but the occasional game. A different place, format, or time of day helps me remember why I’m doing it. It feels fresher and less distracting if I move my writing place from time to time. I also have three different notebooks for it; one’s a sketchbook, one’s like a character sheet/ outline type place and one’s the actual novel writing place.
    i try not to focus on what I haven’t done, but what I have done. A few minutes doing something is still doing it.

    1. That’s a good method! Having three very specific notebooks sounds like it’d help alot too! (Though i’m not a writer, so I can’t really tell 😅)

      Thank you! That’s a good tip, though harder to actually do, ahaha — but yeh, I tend to not take in consideration if I just spent 5mins on it, as of which it’s true that it’s better than nothing!

  2. I can never stick to a habit tracker so I didn’t include one in my BuJo. Plus I’m one that if I say/write that I’m going to do something, I tend to do something else lol so I just don’t think habit trackers are for me

  3. I never keep mine up to date and then I feel bad about that! Ah it can be a vicious circle 🙂 but I do understand what you mean about it helping as well. I do it weekly so that might help I don’t have the whole month to keep up.

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