July ’23 Wrap up! 🔥

July ’23 Wrap up! 🔥

Good morning everyone,

Idk for you guys, but our July royally sucked 😂 Not only did it rained alot, but we scored an average temperature of ~35C (95F) with humidity everyday .. so needless to saywe couldn’t do much. Either because of random bouts of rain, or because of the heat that our body can’t tolerate..


July’s Feels

Additioning to the heat, our AC broke! 🙃 I now can only access fresh air in my car, basically.. home is SO warm, we need to keep windows open & fans on; which don’t do much. Even with my allergy meds that I take daily, the need to sleep with open windows literally has me full of allergies anyway.. gotta wait until early August to have a new one installed. The one at work, despised being fixed 3times already since summer started, isn’t doing well either – in fact, it goes up to 25C (77F) daily when I finish my shift. 🔥


What I’ve Read;

I finished 3 books again this month, woot!! I’m still 3 books behind, but i’m halfway to my goal. I’ve finished Places we’ve never been, Ce qui se passe au Mexique.. Reste au Mexique (borrowed from my bestfriend) & I Hope you’re listening


Baby Majora on top, my old Grisette on the bottom; Look how alike they look! 


July’s Highlights

♥︎ Because of overwork & a bit of tiredness, I’ve skipped two posts this month. Except for a First lines friday and two Let’s talk bookishes, I’ve shared Do Neurodivergent brains create different bodies? and Do you have a “cover picture” memory.

♥︎ Gaming wise- I’ve played Sims 4 again, as it had been a few months, and I went back to ToTK too ahah!

♥︎ This month was Majora’s first gotcha day 🐱 Can’t believe he’s been with us for a year already!

♥︎ Mother had went to see my bestfriend & baby without me 2-3 times as I had been working, but I finally got the opportunity to go see them again! 🥰 She’s so quiet; although she kept me up from 3-6am rocking her, she was just awake and didn’t cry one bit! At almost 10months, she’s still teeting.. none of them are out yet – and she can now get up on her feets on her own!


August’s pages

Previously shown in this post instead 🌻



Did you also got an heatwave where you are?