July Wrap up ✻

July Wrap up ✻

Good morning!

Is it already time for our wrap ups? damn.. I honestly didn’t expected it- this month seemed to go so fast 😅 ofcourse I knew which date we were, but planning posts a week ahead, I wasn’t totally ralizing that we were getting there, ahah!


July’s feels;

So overall, as mentionned in my Sunday’s post of the month, I’ve been mainly feeling really great since I changed for proper prescribed allergy pills! It’s insane how much more energy I got! Insane how much of a game changer this was.. which imean, it does make sense as my body were continously making mucus so like that was taking energy ofcourse but- now I do actually felt like I could do more things my age!! 🥰

Bad news however; For one, the pills I had been given for my restless legs wasn’t working.. which they had been giving me so much pain in this last week, and I had little to no resort again, as everything available to me did nothing. Second bad news were that because of higher covid cases in my hometown, my bestfriend’s babyshower was cancelled only 3days prior 😔 Everything was fine 2-3months ago when she was planning it, but ofcourse now that it’s here lot of people around her got ill with covid so, their health coming first it was the best interest to cancel didn’t made it easier though, she was rightfully saddened.


What I’ve read;

We did 3 books this month! I finished my French horror serie, Anna Caritas #4, and waiting for the last tome (devided in two parts) to drop in the Fall to get it and see how it will end! I also picked up another book from my shelves & Summer TBRYou say it firstFinally ended the month on another Audiobook, kind of a big deal. 

I’ve also DNFed my first book in years; a french book that was standing on my physical shelf Ces petit riens qui nous animent.

Doing super good in my yearly challenges, only 5 mores to go!! 26/30 read, as of which 14 were in english & 12 were french; we managed to keep it pretty close to balanced thus far. #BeattheBacklist is at 21, un-usual reads got bumped to 13 (another horror!) and i’ve finished my 3rd Audiobook for my #AudiobookChallenge2022 👏🏼



July’s Highlights;

♥︎ As mentionned prior, We had one Sunday’s post got up this month (No more Allergies & New Kitty); I’ve also posted more MH posts (MH talk; when was your first panic attack & the physical impact of your MH). I’ve also shared my Reading struggles with a lack of imagination & added another post to my “4 books & their french translations” (pretty FR covers).

♥︎ Majora has now been with us for 2weeks, and he should be around 14weeks old 😸 The doxies has been super good to him, despite Sheik never having been with a cat before. However.. Boy I was not ready for the shitshow that is having a kitten. We definately got Grisette when she was older, maybe a year old??, because we didn’t went through that with her ahaa — he’s just so hyper, and always hungry… but imean- he’s cute so that’s fine


♥︎ Gaming wise I’ve fell off the boat of what I was playing before – managing to get back into landscaping my AC; New Horizons island, and otherwise starting Earthbound for the first time Super Nintendo Switch Online. 

♥︎ Next month, hopefully that shall not get cancelled too, I’m going to another Dachshunds events called “Wieners by the sea” 🥰  It’s basically a walk at a parc near a warf, but there’s contests and booths- as of which i’ll be attending with a booth for my workplace so I have some yeast infection handouts, coupons & samples to give away to my friends!


August’s Bujo pages;

Previously shown in this post instead.


How was July for you, anything fun happened?

6 thoughts on “July Wrap up ✻

  1. Finding the right medicine does make a big difference in one’s life! And sorry COVID went in the way of your plans! I hope you have a great week!

    1. It is!! Happy it was a match at first try for once- ive just been using some CBD for my legs on the small frequencies that they hurt 🤷🏽‍♀️

      Have a good week, love!

  2. Aww yay! I’m happy to hear allergy pills are working for you and you’re experiencing more energy. I’m sorry to hear the pills given for your legs are giving you pain and the increase in COVID cases. 🙁

    Majora is absolutely adorable and I love the photos you’ve been sending! Hope you have fun at Wieners by the Sea and it isn’t cancelled – stay safe! <3

    1. He slightly took over my bookstagram 🤣 so adorable and yet just.. mischievous 🤦🏽‍♀️ babies, ahah

      Thank you!! I hope you have a lovely august xx

  3. Aww, Majora is so cute! Kittens definitely are so lively when they’re that young though, and they get into everything! My cat is a little over a year old now though, and whilst he does have a good run around the house every so often, he sleeps loads, so he’s definitely calmed down!
    I hope you have a great August!

    1. Thank you !
      Ohh yeah, I see that 😅 let’s see if neutering will calm him down .. ahah now he’s currently in the phase of biting because his teeth hurts before falling

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