Last gaming obsession 🎮 Potion Permit

Last gaming obsession 🎮 Potion Permit

Good morning!

I have been loving my friend Meeghan’s “Monday Mini’s”, where she’ll do a mini review of her recent gaming experiences. While I did something similar previously called Gaming Mini reviews, I do much prefer the new name of “Last gaming obsession” as of which I’m tweaking it a bit.. It won’t be absolute reviews of games but just generally speaking about what I had been frequantly & obsessively playing in the last while.

The game we will be taking about today has been featured in my post 5 games perfect for Halloween (Without being Scary!) before it even launched; as I saw the trailer for this one and got super hyped.



Available on Steam & switch, an action/adventure RPG


The storyline tells us that we’re an alchimist sent from the big town to this little village in order to help heal the mayor’s daughter. Because of bad things that happened in the past, the residents of this village doesn’t like alchimist very much.. and least ones coming from the big town – they don’t trust us very much.

The main task is basically to heal the townsfolk; gathering items to create the potions in order to help them, unlocking two areas (desert & cold lands) as we heal more people to gather different resources & learn more potions. From there we can create relationships with the townspeople, getting more sidequests, romance them.. The interresting part is that the town gets upgrades as you get more friendly with the people; or if you don’t, they’ll interact in a different way with you and basically won’t tell you anything as they won’t trust you.

The way the cauldron works to make the potions is quite fun; each ingredients have a shape, and so does the potions, so you basically have to tetris you way into filling the needed shape to create it. Investigating illnesses also bring different minigames in itself to reveal what needs done — we also have 3 different side jobs that we can do to earn money aswell.


It’s a good cosy gaming type game where it doesn’t need much thinking, and while I was scared it would be done rather quickly, I’ve been impressed how long the game actually is. I’ve been binge-playing for about 2 weeks already, and i’m not even halfway through!



Have you played this one, did you enjoy it?

6 thoughts on “Last gaming obsession 🎮 Potion Permit

  1. I played the demo a while back and loooved it! I have too many games I bought that I haven’t played yet, so this one has to wait a bit. But I’m definitely getting it!

    1. Fair! I tend to rotate alot 😅 id buy something- obsess play for half the game, drop it and pick other stuff.. to come back at random like 6months after ahah

  2. I’m glad you’ve been enjoying this game! I was so excited for this coming out because it looks just like my type of thing, but I haven’t even started it yet! There was just too many good games out last month that I haven’t got to it yet. I’m currently playing Disney Dreamlight Valley, but Potion Permit might have to be next!

    1. Right? Wylde flower got out too, but I picked potion because it released earlier 😅 it’d be the perfect game to play while listening to audiobook 👌🏼

      Hoping you’d like it alot too!

  3. Omg, I have this on wishlist currently and have been seeing others enjoy this too. I’m so happy to hear you enjoyed this a lot, and I’m glad to hear this is one that doesn’t require much thinking (which is something I’m kinda obsessed with at the moment).

    1. It’s one of those that’s perfect when listening to an audiobook! Or kinda play on automatic.
      Hopefully you’ll enjoy it as much as us if you gets it!

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