Last gaming obsession; Old style Harvest Moon 64

Last gaming obsession; Old style Harvest Moon 64

Hello everyone !

Wow, it seems like I haven’t done one of those in a while.. November 2023 it seems, can you believe it? 😶 We all know I tend to drift on & off between my owned games – Since I last posted about Spirittea, I’ve went back to TOTK, Sims 4, Ocarina of time N64, the great ace attorney chronicles, and I was back in the search for another game to catch my eye.. and that brings us to the good ol’ Harvest Moon 64!


Despite having had a N64 to borrow from my uncle back in the days, He only ever had Mario 64 & Ocarina of time.. then I would borrow the gold pokemon stadium 2 cartridge from my cousin, so i’m afraid I had never played that one before. My love for those game started way later- with Story of Seasons Trio of towns on the 3ds (ithink?) and I went backward and played the others. Tales of two towns remains a favorite of mine.

As it had been recently enough added onto the Nintendo 64 virtual console’s collection, I was looking at the games.. toying with the idea of continuing my save of Ocarina of time 64 or even Majoras mask 64 when I decide to boot up this one instead.


Boy, I don’t even have a idea of what i’m even doing 😆 Don’t get me wrong, usually i’m mad at the long start most of the farming sims have.. but this one literally has NOTHING to help you whatsoever. My chickens keeps dying even though I keep them inside & feed them.. WHY?! I also can’t figure out how to fish… I’ve tried many times and still no fish caught 🥲

I find the clock so bad to read too, I never know what time or if we’re daytime or nighttime most of the time. I’m now in the middle of winter and I basically just- walk around aimlessly, as no crops grow in winter, after having brushed & fed my sheep & cow like “now what.”. Sure, you get a mail the day before of any celebrations, but otherwise there’s no guidance or decoration or anything whatsoever letting you know it’s happening- so I feel like I missed a couple ahah



What are you currently playing?
Have you got that one game you keep playing even if you don’t understand it?

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