Let’s talk bookish ➙ Decisions on what to buy or borrow?

Good morning, Everyone!

Let’s Talk Bookish is a bookish meme that was created by Rukky @ Eternity books where each Friday, bloggers write posts discussing the topic of the week! Since the beginning of April, the meme has been taken over by Aria @ Book Nook Bits; She also created the pretty new graphics!


❀  May 6th; How do you decide what books to borrow or buy?
(Jillian @ Jillian the bookish butterfly)

Prompts: Do you buy a lot of books? Do you borrow books from a library, or from friends? What do you look out for in books you buy? Are there any book genres you typically buy more of? Do the types of books that you buy differ from the types of books you typically borrow? Do you prefer to borrow or to buy books?


I’m quite pecular with buying my books; I have the fear of buying and “losing my money” by not liking them.. so whenever i’m out to the bookstore, it takes me FOREVER to actually decide on a selection of few books to bring home 😅 I also base myself on the books that I remember seeing in the blogosphere, and that I added onto my list, which ofcourse ends up being way more books that I can manage to buy at one time ahah

Sometimes I have a book in particular in mind, like when The comfort book came out, but most times i’m just picking books as I see them and going onto a crisis of trying to decide which one I wanna drop to pick up this new book i’ve crossed that I had shoved onto my wanna read list..


I don’t feel the need for buying bans — I usually concentrate myself on knocking a few books off of my unread shelf before allowing myself to go buy some, and then I usually do a bigger haul then, rinse & repeat. When my unread shelf is still pretty packed but I feel like reading something else, that’s when i’ll borrow from my libby.

I however keep checking the new additions on the app to add to a category of books I wanna read to be able to easily find them when I do feel like it & my current read is finished. I’m pushing forward picking more audiobooks, as I joined an audiobook challenge this year.. but that’s hard sometimes because I need a particular type of voice to be able to listen to it 🤣 If I don’t like the tone or i find the way they speak to be odd.. I won’t like it. same way with youtubers


I usually buy a mix of English & French books, as i’m trying to read about the same number of books in each language — however, my libby only has english books; their french selection being small, and not within my preffered genres. Our physical library do have more, but I tend to prefer to borrow them as e-books since it seems easier.

Though I keep the same genres for both; mostly YA, romance & thrillers, I’d prefer to loan new genres or book i’m less sure about.. so that way it’s less disheartening to not like it, I can just return it and onto the next one! But i’m pretty good with picking my books, I hasn’t DNFed a book since 2019- and most had been review requests or netgalley.. mostly because of the writing or they granted me the book too late where I didn’t felt like reading it anymore 😅



What are your buying/renting habits?


  1. Great post Kris! I usually buy books that I know I will want to reread again. Since foreign titles are quite expensive here, I usually read eBooks and then if I know I want to reread the book or keep it in my collection, I order it online.

    1. That’s fair!
      I usually do that with my libby too ahah with books im not too sure id like 😅 for some reason the only ebooks I have are arcs/gifts- I only bought like 3max .. not too sure why 🤷🏽‍♀️

  2. I usually go into a bookshop knowing what I want to buy, but with the library, I’m more likely to browse and see what interests me. There’s less of that fear of “wasting money” with the library since I’m getting the books there for free and I don’t have to make a big decision about what to do if I don’t like them.

    1. Right, im the same!
      Id prefer try a new genre (or a mostly negative reviewed book) from the library, so if I don’t like it it’s less big of a deal 😅

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