Let’s talk bookish ➙ Eating & reading, yay or nay?

Let’s Talk Bookish is a weekly meme hosted by Rukky @ Eternity Books and Dani @ Literary Lion. Where we discuss certain topics, share our opinions, and spread the love by visiting each other’s posts.

📚 April 8: Eating & Reading: Yay or Nay? (suggested by Fives @ Down the Rabbit Hole)

Prompts: Do you ever (carefully) eat and read at the same time? Or are your books too precious to possibly get dirty? Perhaps eating and an audiobook? Do any books ever make you hungry? Is there a time and place for a nice snack or meal with a good book, or should books be focused on independently?


While there’s some other things that I can’t get myself to do, like annoting or dog-earing, I absolutely can eat while reading! However, only specific kind of food – while I used to sometimes growing up, I woudn’t really eat a full-course meal, per exemple 😅

My favorites are definately Maynards wine gummies aswell as chips or popcorn. I tend to prefer the gummies for physical books, as it’s less possible to stain the pages.. but anything that can be eaten quickly with one hand would work! (so one hand holding & turning the pages ahah). Can’t say that happens as often though, as I mostly do my reading at night before falling asleep.


Wierdly, I can’t ever remember which books has descriptions of food in it or whatever.. I’m sure lot of them actually do- but it leaves me absolutely neutral and my brain doesn’t hold that information ahah unless it’s part of the plot, like owning a Café, bakery, etc. But then again, i’ll just remember the setting and not any specifics.



What about you, do you eat while reading?
Do you actually remember food descriptions, or does it makes you hungry?


  1. I also eat while reading sometimes, especially when I am reading on my kindle since im not too worried about getting git dirty since I can just wipe it down later!

    1. Fair! I did drop a few things in my books.. but I usually prefer drinking instead 😅

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