Let’s talk Bookish ➙ Reading Nonfiction


Today we’re doing the October 20th prompt, asking about reading nonfiction : Do you read a lot of nonfiction? What is the last nonfiction book you read? Are there any nonfiction books you always recommend to others? What are your favorite nonfiction subjects to read about?

Let’s Talk Bookish is a bookish meme that was created by Rukky @ Eternity books where each Friday, bloggers write posts discussing the topic of the week! Since the beginning of April, the meme has been taken over by Aria @ Book Nook Bits; She also created the pretty new graphics!


This year has been my year of reading nonfiction, thus me feeling like i’ve been continually writing or talking about it lately. Like my post about Nonfictionsperfect for the spooky season.

So far i’ve read 9 BooksBook of superstitious stuff, Tremblez! encore, Don’t Fucking panic, Distortion, Unfuck your anxiety, Ils sont passé à l’acte, Tremblez!, I could pee on this & Ace. The major partie of those are True Crime collections, followed by Mental health related.


I’ve always liked reading more about anxiety & depression, to know more about the illness but also trying to find new knacks that might help me in my daily life.. or that I can even recommend to my friends! True fiction have also been a new favorite, and now that I identify as Asexual, I wanna read more about that too. Ones that I have yet to read are some paranormal true stories, medical stories, more Urban legends/superstitions.


I tend to always recommend Matt Haig’s Reasons to stay alive, as this one really impacted me. On the same topic, I’d also suggest Hello I want to die please fix me Don’t fucking panic. 



Do you read nonfictions?
Which one(s) really impacted you, and you’d recommend ?


  1. This post really makes me feel like I should add more nonfiction to my tbr! I rarely ever read these kind of books, but I’d be so interested in reading more about mental health, as well! 🙂

    1. Yesyes you should 🥰 Ive been dabbing into genres I dont usually pick more this year, nonfictions are def added onto my favorite genres!

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