Non-fictions perfect for the Spooky Season!

Non-fictions perfect for the Spooky Season!


It’s quite unlike myself to talk so much about Non-Fiction.. but hey, that’s just what this year has been like, for some reason i’ve been graviting more toward this category of book rather than fiction. In my opinion, it just goes with any mood; even those I don’t even know what they are!

I shamely didn’t thought of those when I made my Autumn TBR, but trust me when I tell you I have LOTS of non-fiction bookmarked on Storygraph just waiting for me to decide to pick them up. Spooky season starts right in September for me, so buckle up, here’s some non-fictions to pick up to cosy ourselves ready for Halloween! 🍁


🍂 Paranormal Hauntings

Those are actually my favorite- i’m a slut for any paranormal haunting TV shows, believe it or not since my teens. My dad used to love it, and lo and behold I became obsessed with them 🤣 Watching them straight up before bed without it bothering me at all; and yes, I do believe in the paranormal world.

On my list; Haunted Healthcare, Haunted Road Atlas, Demonic Dolls.


🍂  True Crime 

Why yes, ofcourse we need some good ol’ True Crime in the mix, don’t we? Although i’ve been reading this type on NF the most i’m kinda out of collections onmy list now..

On my list; Mes tueurs en séries, La malédiction du Cécil hotel.


🍂 Medical Non-Fiction stories

The medical field can be scary at times.. Nature can really create odd things- or yknow, other human beings can be savages, sometimes even for the sake of science.

On my list; This is going to hurt, the lockpick surgeon.


🍂 Books about death in general

We all know it, we are gonna get there one way or another, hopefully just not soon. Death has a part in spooky themes, so what better timing than this one to get reflective on what might happen to us/our loved ones when the time comes?

On my list; Will my cat eat my eyeballs?, I am Iam Iam, The last walk, Written in bones.



I’m still a newbie in this world, so it’s very possible that i’ve skipped over another type of NF that absolutely fit in the theme of spooky season. Now that I reminded myself of them, I’ll be sure to read one or two in between my already picked Autumn TBR!


Do you have other suggestions/Book recs for me?