Picking similar books, in a row, without meaning it ?

Picking similar books, in a row, without meaning it ?


As we know by now i’m a mood reader, so the way I pick my next read isn’t structured like- at all XD and yet twice now has it happened that my next read is similar to the one I just finished.. which is quite mind blowing!

By “similar” I don’t mean exact copy; I mean that there’s a similar theme or detail that’s the same in both books. The story line & plot can still be very different!


The first time it happened the detail was actually in the synopsis of the books, not quite black on white but atleast it was hinted at.. but I kind of overlooked them and didn’t fully realised how close they were. The books were I killed Zoe Spanos & The turn of the keyBoth MC happens to be Stay-in nannies, aswell as another detail that I don’t quite remember now as it was in 2021.

This time both novel have a maze in them, which our MCs needs to escape from within a deadline to be able to escape from the monster, and this time it wasn’t written anywhere! In the first one we are dealing with a corn maze & scarecrows, while the other have a sort of boogeyman & a basic maze made of rocks. Additionally both happens in another world different from our own! The books are Small Spaces & Le bonhomme sept heures.


Those type of coincidences leaves me absolutely speachless, because what are the odds?! This time it seems even wierder as there’s no way I would’ve had known about the mazes, I just picked the french one because there was a dachshund in it 🙈



Has it ever happened to you without meaning to?
Or do you actually plan those on purpose, maybe?