Let’s talk bookish ➙ Back-up plans?

Hello, time for a new discussion meme!
The prompt of this is actually quite fitting- as I happen to be at loss of prompt ideas after being scheduling a week of posts in advance 😅
Let’s Talk Bookish is a weekly meme hosted by Rukky @ Eternity Books and Dani @ Literary Lion. Where we discuss certain topics, share our opinions, and spread the love by visiting each other’s posts.
Prompts: There are just some days when you completely forget to prepare a post beforehand. In those instances, is there a specific kind of post you quickly throw together to stay on schedule? Do you just miss the day and move on? If you can’t come up with any new ideas for posts, what do you usually end up recycling?
First, I never forget a post.. we shall all know that i’ve probably been stressing about it since the last posting day 🤣 I however get into blogging slumps sometimes; maybe I got overworked at work and need rest, maybe i’m just “out” of reading and been mostly gaming in the past days.. whatever.
Skipping a post is the absolute last resort to me. While iknow it’s not a big deal and usually accepted in the community.. I don’t like it- and even less skipping two in a row. Here’s what I usually do to try and spark some of my blogging juice going:
1- Book memes
The first thing that I’ll check is book memes prompts; #5OnMyTBR, Top Ten Tuesday, Top 5 Tuesday or Let’s Talk Bookish. If it’s for a thursday I can even push it for a First Lines Friday if I think of a good book to use, while Sundays usually get Sunday’s Post.
Again, I don’t like having too much of thoses in a row.
2- Book tags
Have I seen a nice tag floating around, or can find one rather quickly that interrest me?
3- Last minute review?
If i’m rather far in my current book (maybe around 60/70%), I might decide to try to read the remaining chunk to finish/build a review for the next day. I had done so for The lying game & We can’t keep meeting like this. I had started reading directly after work from 9/10pm up until 2/3am 😅
4- What’s been going on lately
Sometimes if the book/blogging side is being a problem, I can always talk about what I’m currently gaming at, or when everything else fails, talking mental health usually is a good subject I can pick up almost anytime.
5- Last minute spark??
Often times I had been “gifted” to have a random surge of post idea right before bed the night before — enough for me to get up and type it/write it to publish and polish the next day. If i’m really lucky it pops on the same day, so I get to post something but much later than usual.
If all of that didn’t work, I won’t post anything for that day and be even more anxious for the next one not to be a skip too 😅
Do you have a back-up posting plan?
I don’t exactly have a backup plan for when I am blogging; I usually only publish blog posts when I have something that I want to share into the void, so schedules or backup plans don’t really work. If my routine allows me, and I am in the mood, I might end up scheduling a week’s worth of posts (which I am currently doing as we speak) or I’ll just disappear off the face of the planet for months. There’s no in-between. 😅
That’s fair, each their own blogging ways!
Ithink i’m way too “overboard” for my own good and i’m trying to be more okay with all that and allow myself to dissapear for a bit if I have nothing to post it’s okay — but it’s hard 😅