Let’s talk Bookish ➙ Blogging slumps

Today we are gonna do the July 7th prompt, discussing What causes blogging slumps; Do you often find yourself in blogging slumps? What qualifies as a blogging slump for you? What causes them? Can you sense one coming, or do they hit you unexpectedly? What do you do to prevent blogging slumps? How do you get out of them?
Let’s Talk Bookish is a bookish meme that was created by Rukky @ Eternity books where each Friday, bloggers write posts discussing the topic of the week! Since the beginning of April, the meme has been taken over by Aria @ Book Nook Bits; She also created the pretty new graphics!
To me, the description of a blogging slump is having trouble to write your posts; or even have the ideas of what to write on said posts. Sometimes we can latch on blogging memes to help us get the juice flowing.. but if you’re like me often times the prompts aren’t *quite* helping. Either we just don’t know what to write for it, how to interpret it, or it doesn’t apply to our readings. Like for exemples, I don’t read fantasy, so anything with villains or etc doesn’t apply.
Recently, I’ve been quite in a blogging slump about since the start of the year, same time as my struggles of my “reading mood falling on neutral”. Because we mainly blog about books, blogging slumps can be intriquately intertwined with a reading slump – If we struggles in our readings, it makes sense to struggle about what to talk about in our posts, eh?
Even if I had been reading, If the book is in french or I don’t have much thoughts on it.. I don’t quite feel like I can post a book review for said book. Couple months ago, I had been obsessed playing TOTK, so it legit took me about 2months to finish a book 😅 being so focus on my gaming, my brain didn’t produced any idea for posts or anything.
Lack of bloghopping can also help the blogging slump, because sometimes reading other’s post can give us an idea based off something in their post. Not necessarely the subject itself, but maybe something they said made you go “!!! OH! wait.. “, Often times they had different takes on a book memes I wouldn’t had thought about too, so it gives me ideas on how to do it myself aswell.
There can be outside reasons to slumps aswell, for exemple stressful situations, heavier work load, etc. I can’t see them coming personally, it just sorta happens – and I mean we can’t always have our creative flow on overdrive eh? I find it normal for us to have a downtime for it to go back up again after a while.
While taking a blog hiatus is always a good thing to do, and absolutely okay, I’m working on allowing myself to skip posts without feeling too guilty; though I kinda limit myself to only one or two a month. I feel like the way to get our juice flowing is just to not overthink it – enjoy other medias that bring you joy and wait for it to come, naturally.
What do you think?
Have you gotten blog slumps, how do you “cure” it?
I’ve had blogging slumps before. In fact, I’m coming out of one right now. My last post before my most recent one was back in May! I feel blogging slumps the most through my blog because I am primarily a book blogger. If I was a lifestyle or fashion blogger then I’d probably have more to share. But since my niche is mostly about books and writing, it’s a very specific and niche market. But that’s why I created a Patreon page to help counteract the bookish content I have on my book blog page. On Patreon, I don’t have to worry about writing mainly about only books and writing. I can write about music, movies, rants, pop culture, anything. So yeah, I say start a separate page for yourself and see what other content you can create!
Yes! the niche also restricted me so much in my early years.. Which is why I stopped caring of what I post! ahah Definately a cause of blogging slumps in my experience too..
When we don’t focus on what “fit” or not with our aesthetic or niche, blogging goes so much better!
Exactly!!!! it lessens the pressure.