Let’s talk Bookish ➙ Book that gives you nightmares

Today we’re doing the October 27th prompt, asking about nightmare inducing reads : Have you ever had a nightmare about a book you read? Do you try to avoid scary books? Or do you really enjoy reading them? What are your favorite and least favorite scary books?
Let’s Talk Bookish is a bookish meme that was created by Rukky @ Eternity books where each Friday, bloggers write posts discussing the topic of the week! Since the beginning of April, the meme has been taken over by Aria @ Book Nook Bits; She also created the pretty new graphics!
I’ve always been a paranormal lover; as a teenager I had been able to watch true spirit huntings TV shows and go to sleep right after 😅 It never even bothered me. Now for horror movies, I can’t say I’ve gotten nightmares, but Amityville made me TERRIFIED of bath for a good year.. back when I couldn’t watch them in my young years around ’08.
For books? So far nothing went as far as terrified me. I’m dabbing in the horror genre but haven’t really found one to fit me too well – the only one I can tell that scared me for a good 30mins before I could finally fall asleep, and I had to remind myself that was FICTION – nothing was actually out to get me 😅
That was the French horror serie Anna Caritas, the 3rd tome “Outre-tombe”. The group went into a abandonned asylum and our MC overheard someone calling his name/saw the girl ghost that he had been seeing since the beginning. Mind you I was reading it at 1am in the morning, so that part really CREEPED ME OUT!
Someting else that should really bring me nightmares is all the true crimes youtube videos & book anthologies i’ve been consuming 😆 We know what people are capables of, and we know it actually HAPPENED! and yet? nope. absolutey not scared 🤷🏽♀️
I’m on the hunt for some other horror books that i’d actually enjoy & be scared of! hopefully one day i’d find a few.
Have you gotten nightmares because of a book or movie before?
What do you read that *should* scare you but doesn’t?