Let’s talk bookish ➙ Do book titles matter?

Let’s talk bookish ➙ Do book titles matter?

Good morning, Everyone!

Let’s Talk Bookish is a bookish meme that was created by Rukky @ Eternity books where each Friday, bloggers write posts discussing the topic of the week! Since the beginning of April, the meme has been taken over by Aria @ Book Nook Bits; She also created the pretty new graphics!

❀ October 21: Do book titles matter? (Hannah @ Hannah’s Library)

Prompts: How much do book titles matter? Have you ever read or not read a book based on the title alone? Do you like long or short book titles better? Do you think the title has to connect to the story in some way? What are some of your favorite book titles?


Book titles matters to me, though I wouldn’t say that I wouldn’t read something solely based on the title, unlike a plain yucky cover.. However, the title of the book is generally what attracts my attention first and makes me look for the synopsis.

That had been something that I’d always done, while browsing shelves for what to read (before bloggers helped me place books on my radar!) ; As the books are generally placed in a way that makes the cover hidden, I’d give an overall look at the title of whatever selection in the bookstore and only pick up the ones with an interresting one to look at the cover & synopsis. Making the title the first thing that attracts me, I find that it saves me time as to pick out all of them out to look at everything..


I definately read atleast one book because of it’s title – first I laughed at it, and then the more I was thinking about it, the more I went like “ah and what the hell- I wanna read it!”. It’s one of those unusual hilarious book title, “Des dick pics sous les étoiles” AKA “Dick pics under the stars”. The book was just as immature as the title has been- with the oddity of being written in chiac, half french/half english, and it was GLORIOUS.


It’s always better when the title has some correlation to the novel in itself, the moment when it’s written somewhere in the book and you get there and just « Aaaah !! », lightbulb moment. As for the lenght of the title.. it doesn’t really matter? Some are better long, some are better short, as long as it’s interresting in a way. The only thing that slightly bothers me is how translated novels from English to French as SUCH longer titles- usually for nothing.



What do you think, Do you pay more attention to the cover or the title?
Or maybe a mix of both?

4 thoughts on “Let’s talk bookish ➙ Do book titles matter?

    1. It’s not the only factor i’d take in consideration, but definately one of the firsts that I look for!

  1. “The title of the book is generally what attracts my attention first and makes me look for the synopsis.” Same! I’ve picked up a book because the title made me laugh and I thought the book would be funny (most of the time they’re hidden gems too). I don’t think title lengths matter to me as much – some of the funniest I’ve seen have been longer than normal.

    I also love when a title is correlated to the book itself, especially if there’s a hidden meaning behind it we don’t find out until later (although I usually prefer that being depicted on the cover instead).

    1. Yes! The only time long titles would bother me is the diff eng/fr 😬 like why do we need so many words?? Especially if there wouldve been an easier translation xD

      Even better when you see it on the cover AND in the book!! Absolutely love that lightbulb moment

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