L’Éveilleur (partie 1) ~ Patrick Isabelle ☆ French book review

Good morning!
I have a french review for you today; though I didn’t spoke much of the Anna Caritas reviews of the whole serie on here, I really wanted to tell you about the first part of the finale.. Not only because I have found a nice quote based off how useful a cat can be, but also because it really marked me, and not quite in a good way 😅
L’éveilleur (Anna Caritas #5.1), Patrick Isabelle [SG]
4 / 5 stars ⭐️
Honestly my least favorite of the serie.. I wasn’t a fan of Demon Will, how freaky his way of speaking as if nothing was wrong & the increase of gore in the book. The demon cat scene marked me negatively, which had inspired me the post “When has horror went too far“, and I seriously considered ditching the book after reading that particular scene.
However; How strong Marianne has gotten and the faith they could possibly revert him back kept me going. The demon clearly hated cats, as it kept being a tangent in the books, but Ji-soo’s thoughts on the reason why was awesome! They also played a role into fighting the demon Will, which was pretty cool!
I seriously can’t wait for the part 2, while half of my wish came true.. the secret Marianne was hiding finally got revealed, leading us to a conflict- opposing my two favorite characters. I’m torn at the reveal, understanding but not really her past actions to Will..
« Cats are able to see things that humans can’t. Sortof Like emotions. If a cat feels a conflict or an emotional distress in a house, it’s their duty to recalibrate the energies. They looks like they’re just always sleeping, but really, they channelize the negative energy to transform it in positive ones. They have like their own energy field, and theyre also able to speak with the other world. »
– Rough translation by me.