May ’24 Wrap up !

May ’24 Wrap up !

Heeey, it’s time again!

May’s weather had been pretty great for change, we got nice beach weather -ofcourse always when I was working… but overall it had been a mix between fresh not too hot to mid/late-20s degrees celcius! As I know our AC might freak out again, I prepared with buying one of those neck fans for work ahaha 🙈


May’s feel;

My only daughter got 9 years old this month! 🥲 Time do fly, they’re now 10, 9 and baby Majora turned 2.

I also got a hearing test done, as we know i’ve been having lot of trouble at work – especially when we’re full house I suddently can’t hear anything .. which to my surprise came out normal! I’ve been put on a waitlist at the hospital for another test, that’s not done in silence, where instead of the hearing being the problem it’s how your brain process the sound.. which would make alot of sense.. so we’ll see.


What i’ve read this month;

I’ve read 3 books thus far: Share your stuff, i’ll go first, Youtumeurs #3.1 aswell as Mademoiselle Godemiché. I finally started reading The wall of winnipeg & me, that I had been promising to read for ages now 😂 i’m one book to being halfway of my reading challenge already! 👏🏼

I also DNFed two audiobooks; Disfigured & uninvited. First one being too much explanatory when I had been thinking of new fairytales with disabled voice in it, and the second I just didn’t read through the synopsis as it clearly enounciated this was about god.


What i’ve watched; 

I’m still on watching Dexter, now in season 3 out of the 8/9 total.



May’s highlights;

♥︎ No posts has been missed this month! Besides the Top Ten Tuesdays, Randomized my TBR & Let’s Talk bookish, I’ve shared: Being Ace in a Hyper-sexual society, Recs of sex industry MCs books, Summer ’24 TBR my bujo pages for July & Aug.

♥︎ I’ve started the month replaying through Zelda Ocarina of Time, I’ve got through to the water temple and then I switched back to playing Sims 4.

♥︎ I’ve successfuly been working out with my new dance app for a month now! which I gave myself 2 days off every week, and dancing for roughly 10-20mins a day. Wierdly though, I’ve gained weight instead of losing it?? 🤣 Started at 175 pounds, and weight myself last week to 180.. i’ve added a bit of somatic yoga to see if removing the build up stress would help. Not that i’d wanted to lose weight, the most important being that I keep moving



June’s spread;

I’ve shared them on this post instead 🌸



How had been your May?
What had been your highlights of the month?

2 thoughts on “May ’24 Wrap up !

    1. Hopefully, i’m getting into quite some problems for my yelling.. ahah 😅 (im thinking it was mainly as I was masking.. can’t see my face + yelling = she must be mad)

      It is! Surprisingly kept up with it 👏🏼👏🏼

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