May’s Wrap up ✻

Heey, good morning!

We know what time it is- June is just around the corner!! Man, while I was so ready not to be freezing again.. we did got an astounding preview of summer, breaking records of heat for May, having 30+ degrees Celcius 😅 I was so not ready for that.. thank goodness my new work has amazing AC, because I can’t tolerate this amount of heat- being prone to heat fatigue so much faster because of my anxiety meds (which i’ve done LOTS at the Café.. AC kept breaking and all that)


May’s feels;

So I kinda fell off my high grounds a bit.. while maintaning my 3posts advance, by the mid-month, I started not really having any more ideas 😅 I’ve also fell off the blogosphere- boghopping less than usual and all that.. in part because i’ve been hooked to playing Spiritfarer again, and in part because I had started having solely morning in a rows so I was sleeping more than usual. I found that when I have closing shifts and I can wake up later, it takes less of my energy than all morning does; then I need my nap and maybe go to bed earlier.


What I’ve read;

My reading also took a hit- instead of the 4-5books I had read so far per month, I only read 2 this time.. which is in par with everything else xD I’ve read my netgalley arc, The dachshund wears pradaaswell as the 3rd book from my Anna Carita horror french serie that I  had started.

I am now at 19/30 books read. 10 of those were english reads, for 9 french; we are getting around to almost equality again. We moved to 9 un-usual reads (horror again), with 14 #BeatTheBacklist, and sadly #AudiobookChallenge remains at 1.



May’s Highlights;

♥︎ No Sunday’s Chat this month, however I started a new Serie of posts “Books & their french translations” (#1, #2), aswell as taken part in more of the bookish meme “Let’s talk bookish”. 

I’ve shared quite a lot of Mental Health posts too this month; Anxiety effects changing through the years, living with anxiety; sensory overload, blogging with anxiety; same format for everything & Fear don’t get overwritten with aging. 

♥︎ Gaming this month, as I’ve shared, I decided to pick Spiritfarer back up. I obsessed over it for some time, going over the 40-ish% I left it to 88% completion- onto the last stretch of finishing it!! But now I have no idea where I need to go or do, so i’ve left it a bit again to take Sims 4 back up 😅 I’ve moved my family of neighborhood & designed a new house in Sulani (from Oasis Spring).

♥︎ After reading Kal’s post about The real use of blog tags, I went ahead and did a handful of blog work. Not only fixing my tags, but my categories & headers aswell. One of the major changes is that my monthly “Bujo Posts” like this one will still go in the bullet journal section, but will be renamed & retagged with “Wrap up” instead. The posts where I’m actually showing you my bujo pages in advance will keep the “bujo” tag.

♥︎ Sheik turned 7years old on the 23rd 🥰



June’s pages;

Previously shown in this post instead



How was your May, did you got some heat yet?
Any good plans for the Summer? xx


  1. We were the same in terms of weather, breaking records and reaching 30C. You’re definitely doing the best that you can – it’s okay to not have any ideas and to drop off the blogosphere – self care is important! <3 I still need to pick up The Sims 4 at some point; I feel like I haven't touched it in… 2 years? Maybe 3 years? Spiritfarer looks amazing though, I might snoop on Steam.

    Hope June is good for you!

    1. Oof that’s way to hot for me.. can’t do it, I do heat fatigue easily 😅 thank god our AC is much better at the petshop – oh and now we’re back to freezing!
      Thank you ❤️ while I do know that, it takes conscious effort to try to let go.. I was sure I was gonna drop off of my posts ahead this week, i was missing one in-between- but nope, im good thus far!

      Oh wow! I do leave it aside for a while, but only a couple of months usually at a time.. until a new pack reels me in ahaha!
      Yes!! You should- so fun & relaxing
      Happy June xx

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