Mini-reviews ☆ Survive the night & Un c’est bien, deux c’est mieux!

Good morning!
I have some more mini reviews for you guys; one french & one english book. I actually do like this format for including more french book reviews on the blog; this way it’ll be always paired with atleast one english book, aswell as my thoughts on said french book being translated in english so you can all understand what the book was about & give you an idea.
Survive the night ~ Riley Sager
Goodreads // 5 stars
While more than two POV usually confuse me more than anything, it actually worked really good for this one — as they all follow the same schedule, but from another character’s eye.
It was insane how the plot kinda followed the movie Charlie told her name was from; leading us on the path that Josh is a killer early on. The way he seems to easily mess up and lie to poor Charlie, taking advantage of the movies in her head.. i couldn’t believe it, i would’ve fell for it too. I didn’t saw the next twists coming- which absolutely blew my mind!!
The final reveal however.. that was some twisted. Never would I thought it would be that character; at most the prior twists sorta made sense, but not that one, I was floored. I really liked the ending, as prescribed within the title, she did survive the night.
<That’s the thing about movies. They can be wonderful and beautiful and amazing. But they’re not like life, which is wonderful, beautiful, and amazing in a different way>
Un c’est bien, Deux c’est mieux! ~ Dana Blue
Goodreads // 4 stars
J’apprécie tellement les romans érotiques avec des femmes à fort charactère! La manière qu’elle l’a juste giffler en plein debut d’ébats m’a tellement fait rire 😂 Tant qu’au jumeaux, ils sont autant attachants l’un que l’autre; Seth étant plus adorable & gentil, alors que Ty est plus arrogant & drageur.
Malgré que je ne sais pas si c’était bien recherché lors de l’écriture, jai beaucoup aimée voir un des beau jumeau étant aveugle! Je ne suis pas experte en la matière puisque c’est seulement le deuxième roman de ce genre aue je lit, mais je ne m’y attendait pas du tout et cela m’a surprit! Il me semble plutot rare de les voirs en tant que soupirants dans les livres.
Somme toutes, J’ai bien aimée! La lecture était légère et teintée d’humour; les péripéties de Charlottes sont dignes d’un film, ce qui rend la lecture plutôt amusante. Les scènes chaudes étant aussi très bien écrit 🔥🔥
I appreciate eroticas having their females MCs being fierce so much!! The way she just slapped him in the start of the intercourse made me laugh quite alot 😂 Both twins are as lovable as the other; Seth being more adorable & kind, while Ty is more cocky & flirty.
While I have no idea if it had been properly researched during the writing, I loved to see one of the two hot twin being blind! I’m not an expert as it’s only my second erotica, but I wasn’t expecting it and it surprised me! It appears to me that they’re rarely part of the love interrests in novels.
All in all, I quite liked it! It was a light read that was quite humorous at times; the events happening to Charlotte are coming straight from a movie, which make the read quite amusing. The steamy scenes were also nicely written 🔥🔥
D’habitude je ne lis pas des “reverse harem” (je ne sais pas comment on appelle cela en français) mais j’avoue que ta critique est tentante!
Sa se dit apeuprès pareil en français!
Ohohh jaimerais savoir ce que tu en a pensé si tu decide de te laisser tenter. Il y a un second tome, mais je ne le savais pas avant la lecture 😅 ahaha