One by One ~ Ruth Ware ☆ Review


I have finally finished my 4th book from Ruth– and loving her novels all the same!! On my journey of reading all of her works, only «The Lying Game» & «The turn of Key» remains.


Goodread’s Page
5 / 5 stars


I love how she picked Liz & Erin as the main two MCs of this story — having someone “in” the group and one outsider; although we know Liz isn’t part of Snoop anymore, so there’s alot of the characters that Liz dosn’t know, apart of the “main creators” of Snoop. Nonetheless, everyone is a stranger for Erin who’s only part of the workers at the Cabin; while Liz have a bit more knowledge for a few of them.


Ruth also started her novel with this newspaper cut, giving us the body counts of the bodies being hurt & the deaths.. which I love that! It doesn’t give anything away as of who would be beyond the numbers, and as the events unfolded, I kept going back to look at it to try to piece it out.

I was never truly sure who to place my bet on, many of them could’ve had a motive for being the murderer.. and as the events kept happening, my suspicions were going all over the place, shifting all the time with new proofs.


And then when we actually figured out who the actual killer was, I was flabbergasted. For one, this was something I absolutely didn’t saw coming; which after the fact i’m wondering how I didn’t saw it coming.. wanting to give the book a reread to see if now that I know how it ends, if I can see the details left by the author that I somehow didn’t picked up.

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