Heey! We are back on schedule to read a book in a proper amount of time.. and ithink that got me into a “RV adventures” type of book mood 😝 Thinking i’m gonna pick “Places we’ve never been” next. Storygraph 3 ⭐️ / 5 Stars Keep or unhaul? unhaul for me, I don’t ….
Good morning, Time to show off my pages! As always I like to be a season in advance so I can imput appointments and stuff – crazy to think we’re almost done with 2023 already! 🤯 Feels like it was 2012 just yesterday.. Ususally I would’ve had done November already ….
I don’t go into book shops often, but when I go usually I end up buying around 5-6books and continually pick up and drop books, not being able to decide which ones I wanna go for when there’s SO many that I’ve seen the hype for online. However.. this time ….
Good morning everyone! Idk if it’s the case with every langages, but with French as my main and English as my second learnt one, everything seems to sound so much better in english! It might be because i’m so used to french as i’ve been using it all my life, ….
Good morning, June has started, so Happy Pride everyone!! 🌸 I’m getting more comfortable using the label of asexuality, ofcourse I need even more books on the subjects!! So far i’ve read one nonfiction “Ace” by Angela Chen, and hoping that I get to read some more before the year end. ….
Heeya! Long time no review in here.. Due to gaming obsessions, it took me quite a while to read this one 😅 All my time went to gaming instead of reading.. hoping the spell is now over and that I can go back to my reading! Storygraph 5 ⭐️ / 5 ….
Good morning! As you may or may not know, I take anti-depressants to help with my anxiety & depression; Which, In case you didn’t know, makes it easier for you to overheat and suffer from heat fatigues or even heat strokes. Just at work, I’ve suffered many heat fatigues ….
Good morning everyone! May is already coming to an end – it seems like I barely saw it 😅 It had been one of my lowest reading month this year, as with the TOTK release I was gaming more than I was reading.. whoop.. May’s feels; It was the last ….
Good morning! Yes, we are theoretically a week late for this one, as we should be posting about the opposite.. but listen, I needed time to think it through and checkout other’s posts 😅 We are doing the May 23rd prompt, evidently things that makes me instantly want to read a book. Top ….
Good morning, The last month of Spring is nearly over, which means it’s time to see how I did with my seasonal TBR. Here’s the post of the books selected in case you missed it! We did a tad better than we did our Winter, where we had only ….