Real life VS books, what would be better?

Good morning!

I’m writing this post awfully late 🙃  (a mere 9hours before it publishes, on my phone) — This week has just been, something. Instead of my usual mix of closing shifts and mornings, I’ve gotten five morning shifts; while thoses are greats, waking up at 645am and 545am for five days get me dead by the end of it! 😂


But anyway, let’s get back to this post’s topic;

What would be SO much better if the real life was just like how it is in books?


Life, in general

Everything in their life just feels so exciting.. Book characters always seems to have eventful lifes (specially in Ya) — and even if they just go to work or to school, there’s always gonna have that *something* to happen.

Yeah- no mine isn’t like that 😂 I legit only go to work, come back home, and spend my life on the internet. Leaving the house not as often as I’d want ((okay– side note here that living WAY too far of everything to walk/no buses and barely starting my driving permit isn’t the best case..))


• Meeting people

In books, it seems so easy to just run into someone who seems to wanna interact with you as much as you do. The ways you can meet a fellow human to start a new relationship with seems endless- that person will (most likely than not), be willing to give you their numbers and/or you will run into that same one over and over again until you do. They’re also almost-always within your area/areas you visit alot too!

Working at a coffee shop, if life would really be like in books, you’d think I’d have multiple real-life friends and/or a date right now 🙈



Okay, this one is a hit or miss, I’ll give you that. Some books are not great in the family & friends perspective, some romantic relationships ones can be really toxic too- but think about the good ones!!

Mostly, I just crave a good and healthy, maybe a bit “cliché” on the sides romances okay? Hell- I wouldn’t mind a tad of that loving family on the bigger side too xd *always wanted a sibling, but alas.. never gonna happen now*



Their stories has to end someday, and well- yes, the author creates it so it can’t really be «real» per say.. but think of thoses happy endings; everything falling into places eventually and the MC finally get to find what they were destinated for.

I don’t know about y’all.. but I have absolutely not a clue what I wanna do in life yet- while turning 25 😂 do you believe that we all have our bigger path already drawn ahead of us, like in books? Or if it’s a completely blank screen where it’s a “free for all”, you get what you end up getting kinda thing?



Now it’s your turn!

  • Do you agree about thoses with me? Do you have any specific exemples of them? (unlike me here 👀 )
  • Anything else that would be better that I’ve forgotten about?



  1. This is a really interesting question – although I would much rather stick with my lovely boring life than live in some of the books I read (I am really into a thriller phase, definitely wouldn’t want to exchange places with any of the characters).

  2. I agree with most of those points. Fate however I’m happy to say I don’t care about. I’d like to think I control my own destiny and that I can decide what makes me happy.

    1. Im a mess on that point 😂 on one side I know that life shall be what I make of it and all, BUT on the other one I kind of want it to come to me??
      There’s quite alot of it we can’t control either.. per exemole anything involving someone else — how can you do it then ?

  3. Ah I loved this post Kristina, I’d say that fate plays a part in our lives but we also have free will to alter certain things. Nothing is set in stone but I’d like to think there are multiple paths for us laid out and the choices we make determine which paths we walk down.

  4. Awww such a cute post Kristina! I love the point about running 8 to the person you want to see. I feel like real life isn’t like that but it sure would be more fateful if it were. Instead we actually have to reach out to others and relationships take work! Hahaha life in a book can be a lot more fun.

    1. Thank you Dani! 🥰
      Yep.. it would be so much nicer, isn’t it? Nowadays a lot of relationships in real physical world seems like the work is only going one way..

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