Series I need to get to ASAP

Series I need to get to ASAP

Good morning!

The other day I spoke about books within a serie that I took as a standalone, some of which I did read one & intended to read the others.. but today, let’s see the series I’ve seen all over the blogosphere and absolutely need to start! ☺️


▶︎ The Bromance book club, Lyssa Kay Adams

▶︎  Bergman Brothers, Chloe Liese

▶︎ Whitman Street Cat Cafe, Kate McMurray

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▶︎ Boyfriend Material, Alexis Hall

▶︎ The brown sisters, Talia Hibbert

▶︎ Beautiful hearts, Emma Scott

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▶︎ A good girl’s guide to murder, Holly Jackson

▶︎ The thursday murder club, Richard Osman

▶︎ Asylum, Madeleine Roux

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There was SO many books from series on my virtual wanna read shelf; way more than thoses that I listed, however I wasn’t sure if I wanted to read ALL the books within their series, so I didn’t included them. 😅

I also feel like while most of them is technically apart of a Serie, They aren’t technically linked to each other where they *could* very much be standalone as they aren’t a direct follow-up.


Have you read any of thoses?
Do we have series in common we wanna get to?

4 thoughts on “Series I need to get to ASAP

  1. Boyfriend Material is one of my all-time faves, so I’d definitely recommend that one 🙂 The Bromance Book Club series is on my TBR as well, I’ve heard lots of good things. Hope you’ll enjoy all of these!

    1. Thank you!
      Idk if im gonna read all of the Bromance Book club.. because damn theres 5- which is a bit much for me ahah 😅 but hopefully we both enjoy them!

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