Smile for the Shelfie!

Good morning!
Bookending Spring has finally started ! So here we are with our first post. 🌸
Today’s topic is from Sam @ Fictionally Sam (Hosting April 1-5th), for April 4th — the prompt post, her post ;
Smile for the Shelfie!
Take a picture of your bookshelves and/or stacks and explain how you organize your books!
I’ve actually talked you into my whole process when I switched bookcase, which you can see here, and I also talked about the Pro/Cons of the different sorting methods for Bookending Spring 2019, over here.
but as i’m so proud of my new shelves, i’m gonna show you back anyway; ahah! 😅
Heey! First “book blogger” picture with the famous shelf behind !!Â
Here it is in full ! Plenty of space left, as you can see..
I actually never really stook with one particular way of shelving them; when I first moved, I had my most favorite shelf and then all the “less favorites” following. Each row was basically biggest to lowest in term of sizes, and the series remaining together.
Now- all that I really care about is that my “yet to read” is separate from the “already read”, and that the few series that I have sticks together. For the rest, I just kinda wing it honestly.. I have no idea why it really ended up the way they are now 😂 I also seem to have a problem with too much size gap – ahaha, as they are fairly along the same size inside the squares or biggest to smallest still.
I don’t think I have enough to really do anything with them like by author or rainbow-y; as I have very few of the same author(s), and as you can see im kinda lacking colors.. or don’t have enough books yet 🙈 I’m buying way more english books nowadays though! So maybe one day I can make a devision between French & English books.
How are your shelves organized?
What have you tried / Would like to try organising them by?Â
I recently just rearanged mine as well! I like mine much better now!
Yay!! It’s the worst feeling of rearranging something for HOURS and being like « …i hate it now » 😂😂 ahah