Summer ’23 Book Haul & Unhauling French books

Good morning!
Last time we spoke, I told y’all of the time I went to the bookstore and didn’t actually bought anything. Well.. I had just gotten an email for a buy 3 books get the 4th one free (25% off four books online) from my local book shop, so you bet I had to check it out and find something! 😂 It was also the last day of the sale..
The boughts;
First thing I grabbed was the new Ruth ware’s novel that launched not too long ago, and then the sequel to one of my French True Crime collection of stories that I read earlier this year was also published, so I grabbed that too. Then I picked two books from my “want to read” shelf that I felt like reading, and as I needed another book as the first one was already on sale, I found what seemed to be a nice Self-Help book.
With my 10% discount, the sale going on and the points I had from my premium reward card, I ended up saving quite alot- we love that 🥳 I also have two Non-fiction & one French book, which i’m quite pleased about.
- Zero Days, Ruth Ware [SG]
- Tremblez! encore, McSkyz
- Out of character, Jenna Miller [SG]
- I hope you’re listening, Tom Ryan [SG]
- Don’t F*cking Panic, Kelsey Darragh [SG]
The Unhauled;
I had really wanted to keep reading in french, and I gotta say I might’ve been trying too hard to pick some French books.. that turned out I didn’t really wanted to read? Or anyway that’s how it turned out, I kept looking at them and leaving them on my shelf – so I went ahead and removed them.
There’s a few english ones also that’s been there a while and I’m not positive I wanna read them anymore, but I focused on the three french ones for this time.
What books did you recently bought or unhaul?
Nice haul! I loved I Hope You’re Listening, happy reading!
Thank you!
I felt like reading that one for a while but my libby dont have 😅