Tag | Am I a bad blogger ?

Tag | Am I a bad blogger ?

Hello my bookish people,

I’ve been feeling quite off and sick-ish lately .. it started with a throat hurting and it moved to what looks like a cold (in the middle of summer..) — and i’ve been feeling for doing a tag lately !!

I filled one of thoses that looks like a 2009 old fb note’s survey thing … but then doubted myself and deleted it 😂 So I went to search for another and found this more blogging related one over to @nosestuckinabook !

Are you a book blogger?

Yes I am ! Though we expended to more than that now, I still identify as one..

Do you have 100 or more followers?

I do ! Currently 430 followers on my blog alone now, wow !

Do you have 1,000 or more followers?

Somewhat ? not all on here, but for exemple, my tumblr’s extention of this have 2,483 followers.. does it counts ?

Do you have 10,000 or more followers?

That’s too high, not yet ! hopefully i’d reach that someday !

Do you blog daily?

OH lord no … kudos to you if you can manage all thoses posts, I do three times a week. With my boyfriend doing an additionnal two a week, only two days are truly “empty” over here; the tuesdays and fridays.

Do you read other blogs daily?

I try to ! Sometimes i’ll push for once every two days if I really feel too badly or too caught up with work.. but I try to visit atleast a couple every day.

Do you comment on lots of blog posts?

Whenever I can ! I don’t like to comment if I have nothing “of use” to say .. but I try to maybe 95% of the time. If I have nothing to say, how is the other blogger supposed to reply to me, you know?

Do you receive ARC’s?

Yes, Though I get mostly finished copies from author’s, I do ask for some arcs sometimes on NetGalley Fr or US.

Do you review all your ARC’s before their release date?

Sadly no. I got off-tracked lately, so i’m catching on however I can. Once thoses will be completed, it’d be easier to.

Do you use Social Media for your blog?

I do ! I have twitter, both being blog & personal matters, along with Bloglovin’ and tumblr.

Do you participate in memes?

When I have something to say, I do ! So far I’ve done the international blogger’s meme, Bookish throwback thursday & I heart character meme.

Do you write original content/discussion posts?

You bet that I do; I absolutely love discussion posts !

Do you have authors on your blog? 

I only have one author’s interview so far.. I don’t know if i’d do more, maybe if asked? we will see.

Are you a grammar Nazi? 

No xD this being a second language as you know, my brain always do the same errors sometimes, like adding additionnal “s” to word that are already plurial, as it isn’t plurial enough in my french brain ahah!

Are you plain, vanilla, boring and bland? 

Well, I hope not..

Are you a follower of the power of positivity and are always positive? 

Not always, shits happens you know. I so much prefer being how I truly am rather than “fake positivity” all the time.

Do you think that everyone is equal within the book blogger community?

Absolutely !! it’s a must that we help and support each other out, as we all know how difficult it actually is — and if we don’t, then who else will ?

Are you and your blog awesome? 


Do you see yourself as being a pillar of the book blogger community and setting a good example for book bloggers? 

I sure hope I do – or i’ll become it in the near future 🙂


I hope y’all enjoyed this one !! I tag everyone who’d be interrested in doing it xx