« What if blogging was my full time job? »

« What if blogging was my full time job? »

As I was doing the opening at my store the last morning, and mostly had some cleaning done as it was quiet at that time, a question sprawn in my mind..

« What if blogging was a full time job? »

First I had some ideas of what my day would look like;

  • I’d wake up at 9am
  • In Summer time, I could walk the weeins before it gets too hot; so maybe around 10am
  • After said walk, I could take my coffee at home (or even go to a coffee shop if I wanna be wild !!) While I’ll calmly write some posts and bloghop

Now of course I should have some free time to continue relax and play my videogames, along as feeling more free than with the messed up structure I have now  .. AND as a bonus I could freely take a new hobby and/or a course; like an instrument of some kind or take some dance class I always wanted !

You so wouldn’t be surprised about this one, but i’d love to be a foster mom for rescued dachshunds. And even, if i’m able to drive, offer the transport from where they are to the persons who want to adopt them somewhere within the Maritimes. Or vice-versa, go get them from the airport/border and bring them to the rescue.

Then, I met with another question; « What is stopping me ? »

Of course you have the “action” side

  • Where do I start?
  • Shall I go for wordpress premium plan? or straight up self-hosted?
  • How does either of them work ?
  • Which host is the best for me ? How does one even find out?
  • Would it be enough for living rather comfortably ? As there should have costs to the hosting in itself, would the revenu it’d give me would be enough?
  • What about the taxes ?

But there’s also the “fear” side

  • Would I be taken seriously ?
  • Would my work be enough? Would what I made would be succesful ? (and thus have good revenue..)
  • Am I organized enough to handle that; as I will have to pay for it .. you can’t really let it down..
  • If I turn what I like onto what I do for a living… Will it become a chore ? Would I continue loving what I do ?

Most of all, what stood up the most while I was going further in my thoughts, was If that’d bring me the happiness I need. Would making my blog my main work bring me more happiness than what I do right now ? Would I seriously like that ?

But as I mainly go out only with my boyfriend and to go to work .. another serious concern came up: If I were to be “fully free”, and given that I can drive, will that make me get out of my home more – or opposingly trap me inside and leave it even less ?

Will it leave me feeling like I am actuall being productive and that I matter out there in this world, or would it leave me even worse than I am and have a constent feeling of being guilty?

You’d tell me the only way to find out is doing research and to just try it, eh? Which I might actually do, but I don’t think I am ready for it yet.


Your turn;

  • Are you self-hosted, or blogging as your main full time job ? 
  • If so, would you have any tips for me?
  • If not, Would you want either of it?
  • Can you imagine what your life could be like ?