Helloo! So Christmas & my birthday had came and gone- time to see what i got! I did got my Steamdeck this year, so i’m combining a book & game haul this time 🥰 Gaming Haul; You know how it is, I wanted a Steamdeck for so long but ….
Tag: book haul
Helloo! While I know I still have another big holiday purchase as my birthday is rolling on the 27th and i’ll get a few more giftcards, I choose to place those within the next year as my birthdate is so close to the year’s end.. I know I won’t get ….
Heyoo! Okay- I got a good reason for this haul: 1) I had done a mega unhauling last month & 2).. i was going to my local store to buy my goddaughter’s birthday present 😅 so ofcourse I had to splurge some on myself too., It was her second ….
Good morning! I’ve been good, reading a chunck off my unread shelf & giving money for others- my dogs and also the dachshund rescue, so it was time to treat myself to more books! 🥰 I decided to go for 2 non-fictions, one french book aswell as a book ….
Good morning! If i’m not mistaken, this is the first book haul since January! You see, my TBR shelf had been quite full, so now that I knocked a few of it out, it was time to splurge! 😄 I’m not counting the books i’ve bought one-on-one from Amazon as ….
Helloo! As expected, I got three giftcards this year, so we could go book shopping 🥰 However, it was quite the hardest for me to pick up which books I wanted to buy xd – In one way I wanted to get more French books as to one of my ….
Good morning! Last time we spoke, I told y’all of the time I went to the bookstore and didn’t actually bought anything. Well.. I had just gotten an email for a buy 3 books get the 4th one free (25% off four books online) from my local book shop, so you bet ….
Good Morning! Here’s the other part of my December Book haul; as expected, I did received my annual bookstore giftcard from my parents for my birthday.. but I also received another one from my bestfriend too!! 🥰 So we got to pick even more books !! If you missed the first ….
Good morning, Because this month’s my birthday month, our local bookstore gave me a 20% discount code 🥰 So of course I had to do a haul, though a part 2 will follow probably in January as I will get my traditional bookstore giftcard for my birthday on the 27th! ….
Good morning! I wasn’t planning in buying books this month, as I had bought one for a birthday gift.. and then I got a bookstore giftcard from my aunt for thanking me of passing down my clothes that didn’t fit me anymore 😠As we’re in spooky season, I concentrated ….