The book blogger test tag !

The book blogger test tag !

Yes yes, time for another tag !! 😄

As I said on my previous post, my lovely friend over at @Camilleareads tagged me to do this one. Thank you very much, I love love love to be tagged on things like this ;3

You should love thoses aswell, as you can know us bloggers better, right ? 

So, let’s hop onto it! Here are the rules;

  • Thank the person who nominated you and add a link to their blog
  • Answer the questions asked on this post
  • Nominate at least five people to do it also
  • Let your nominees know you nominated them


Question 1; Describe your perfect reading spot;

As many others had, Camillea included, I actually always wanted the kind of big windows that like – pop out and include a little bench thing on them .. or any kind of solarium, actually ! with lot’s of cushions, blankets, maybe a nice hot drinks.. and my weeins, of course ! All nice, comfy & quiet 😌


Question 2; Tell us three (3) book confession;

OH boy.. okay ehh. (1) I don’t read classics.. even the mendatory ones in english classes of high school

(2) Most hugely popular books I haven’t read nor plan to. Including Harry Potter, Hunger Games, The Hobbits & lord of the rings .. im sorry, it just doesn’t interrests me .. 👽

(3) As I lost quite of my concentration span over the years.. I can only read in complete silence as of right now .. hence why I usually always do when everybody (specially the weeins) in asleep


Question 3; When was the last time you cried during a book ? ;

Not so long ago .. It was during my last review, The heart between us. I just chunked the remaining 20% of it in 3hours and, I bawled my eyes crying – not necessarely as it was really sad.. but the romance was so genuine and sweet, then I was broken hearted … and I cried again when everything went back fine. Thanksfully, I was laying in my mom’s bed and she was asleep so nobody saw me 😂


Question 4; How many books are on your bedside table? ;

Usually, one. the one i’m currently reading. If it’s an ebook format, I usually have none but my godmother’s kobo.


Question 5; What’s your favorite snack to eat while reading ? ; 

eeeeh … I don’t really mindlessly pick one. If I wanna eat, I’ll just do – as long as it can be eaten one handed as I need one hand to hold my book xD But as I mostly read in the middle of the night now, I usually don’t or pick candies/chocolates ..


Question 6; Name 3books you’d recommend to everyone;

Okay – you ready? let me scream my love for this one – which I do whenever I can, honestly .. 😂

!!! Sweet things by renée Carlino !!! that one’s a must on this list. I’d add The black bird sings at dusk from Linda Olsen and Perfect Chemistery by Simone Elkeles also. (last one haven’t been reviewed on here, as I read a long time ago)


Question 7; Show us a picture of your favorite bookcase or bookshelf ;

Okay, kinda cheating as it’s not books… but eeeh, I don’t like my setting right now and need to redo them so, welp.


Question 8; Describe how much reading means to you in just three (3) words;

Home ~ Feelings ~ Escape


lastly, up onto the tagging ! 😘 As always, not pushing you and feel free to ignore my tagging – and on the other hand, if you see this and want to do it but haven’t been tagged yet, consider you tagged by me !

Anna (@bookishAtena), Chloe (@eloisethewriter), Lexxie (@McLexxie), Lara (@wordsWithLara) aand Tania (@mybookishsecret)