The make-up essentials book tag

Heey !!

Okay, so I haven’t actually got tagged for this one, but I saw it over at Jenn’s @ boundtowriting and thought this looked fun ! Also it was created by Hannah @ hannahbanana98 – be sure to go check both of thoses ladies’ answers aswell 🙂

Like many in our community, I used to wear a bit more makeup but alas.. i’m not the most productive in the morning xD so it went right off the window before it even started ahaha.. now that I actually don’t do morning shifts, i’m just scared it slips up somehow and end up in my microdermal piercing under my left eye so yeaah. I’m sticking to only having my lips done, I shall upgrade to do my eyebrows aswell but watever 😂 Let’s stop blabbing and hop onto it !

Concealer/foundation – the basis: what’s one thing you MUST have in a book in order to enjoy it?

Like Jenn, I need to like or somehow relate to the characters .. If the characters bore me to death, I can’t keep up with it – no matter how amazing the plot shall be..


Powder – keeps it all intact: your favourite setting?

I like when the world is somehow realistic; you know I don’t read fantasy so I like to not have a world description and apply the plot/characters directly onto the current day’s world, as I tend to get lost when there’s too many explanation and.. that’s not good xD


If I need to pick one specifically; I loved the house made of windows in the middle of the wood in winterish climate of ruth Ware’s “in a dark dark wood”


Brows – filled in or left: hardback or paperback?

It’s not really that i’d do everything to avoid the other one.. but I do prefer paperbacks. As I always say, I have tiny hands okay, and I just like to read while laying on my back. And although I don’t usually read hardbacks, I end up fighting with it and swearing at it … I bought one recently though x) so we shall see if I change my mind..


Eyeliner – the flick makes it: your favourite plot arc?

I always love me some things you never even saw coming happening ! *casually forget all the other things I usualy reads.. aherm.*


Mascara – adds a little bit extra: something that’d bump a book from 4 to 5 stars?

Characters evolution. “life lessons” or things that makes me stop reading with a giant !! over my head. A book I cannot remove from my head in the while I read it and even after I got done with it.


Highlighter – some brightness to the mix: what turns a character into your favourite?

For me to be able to crawl in their skin. No matter the dumb decision I need to be able to say “well .. if I was there in that setting.. i’d probly had done that aswell” – make me really attached and invested to that character.


On the lips – the finishing touch: a book that left a lasting impression!

The last one would be “All the bright places” that I just reviewed.. It just let Finch with me since I finished it, he’s in the corner of my brain and haven’t moved yet ..


Allow me to cheat and just tag all of who you wanna do it ! heheh

I’m always a bit eh about tagging still .. 


Hopefully you liked this tag !! Do we have some answers in common? xx

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