The Sunshine Blogger Award ☀️

Good morning!

It has been a while since I’ve did a blogger award over here, I kind of stopped after the second or third one that I got last year 😅 I had been tagged to do this one by El @ Papertea & BookFlowers.

I actually had planned to have it posted on the 7th .. but errrh I needed some more time to get people to tag and questions to ask in mind 😂 I’m truly awful to think of questions..


The Rules:

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you and link back to their blog.
  • Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you.
  • Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions.
  • List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award in your post/or on your blog.



Her questions for me;

1. Were you always a reader or did your love for books come later? If later, what sparked it?
I’ve always been a reader as far as I can remember! My godmother has always been a lover of books, so when I slept at her house I always picked some of hers and LOVED the sight of her shelves 😍 Mother also read to me before bedtime, so that may have helped.


2. Do you annotate, highlight, or use sticky notes in your books?
While I know a lot of people do it and it’s nothing bad.. I just still CAN’T get myself to do it xD My godmother kind of raised me keeping them intact and I somhow can’t shake it off..


3. What are your Top 3 Books this year and what songs do they remind you of? (Or art if you prefer)
I have so much trouble doing that.. i’m just gonna cheat and give you my current top 3 books and top 3 songs separately.
 For books; Letters to the Lost (Brigid Kemmerer), When We Collided (Emery Lord) & Under Rose Tainted Skies (Louise Gornall)
 For Songs; The Break up (Machine Gun Kelly), Easier (5 Seconds of Summer) & Hate me (Ellie Goulding Ft Juice WRLD) has been on repeat lately!


4. What is a myth/legend/fairytale you’d like to read a retelling/reimagining of?
I still need to get into retellings! but i’d be interested into some cryptids lore (like the Mothman, per exemple). I don’t really have any specific one in mind..


5. If you had a superpower/ magical ability that fit’s your character … what could you do? (Not what you’d most want to but what you think fits you the best)
mmh- as i’m mostly the quiet one in the corner I feel maybe dissapearing or invisibility. Not like full-on invisible all the time but more Chameleon-like; that one second you see me and the next you don’t. 🦎


6. Have you ever bought a book just because of the cover? If yes, did you read it? Was it good?
Actually no.. While the cover might attract me, I give so much more power to the title and blurb. I’m very difficult for the books I buy XD


7. What’s your fav blog post to write, what’s the fav to read?
I like to write conversation posts, especially thoses I already have them all written in mind beforehand so it just flows from my brain directly through the keyboard.
My favorite to read are hands down the Bullet Journaling posts! Everyone has such pretty spreads.


8. Do your family and friends know about your blog (& other bookish social media)?
They do! I talk fairly often about my blog and when/what I’m scheduling. They don’t read it though.


9. Describe your fav colour without mentioning it.
It’s quite complicated. It’s all of them and none in particular at the same time.


10. What is your all-time favourite quote from a book you loved?
Among the ones I loved, this one stood out to me the most; « I do have friends. Maybe they live hundreds of miles away from me, and maybe I can only talk to them through a screen, but they’re still my friends. They don’t just hold Monstrous Sea together. They hold me together. » –Eliza & Her Monsters, Francesca Zappia


11. What’s the weirdest fun fact you know
Ehhh- right here and now I couldn’t tell you. It’s probably dachshund related though 😂you could ask me anything about them and I’d probably have the answer! ahah


My Questions! 

  1. What’s something unique about you?

  2. Anything you’d like to read more of ?

  3. Besides reading, what’s something you do an awful lot?

  4. Something you can’t bare reading about?

  5. Do you separate your blog from your private life? Why or why not?

  6. If ANY career or job was available to you, without any need of studies or anything like that, what would you wanna be?

  7. What’s a skill or hobby you’d love to take lesson of and/or learn?

  8. What’s your go-to order at a coffee shop?

  9. What’s your “wierdest” habit?

  10. Where would you like to travel right now? (real word or fictional)

  11. Freebie! What’s one question you’d love to be asked?


And i’m personally tagging anyone who want to! I’m not particularly proud of my questions (I told you i’m bad! 😂) — So I won’t actually “oblige” anyone to answer them, haha.


  1. Great tag! Like you, I have always been a reader and can’t really bring myself to annotating a book (unless it is one I am reading for university! But studying it is a bit different.) And I like the song Hate Me as well! Love Ellie Goulding. Ooh, I so want to read Letters to the Lost by Kemmerer DD:

    Olivia-S @ Olivia’s Catastrophe

    1. Yes, read it !!
      Oh, i’ve never studied a book before but i’d agree – only time I wrote in a book was a college textbook 😂 and even then I felt bad hahah

  2. My parents also read to us before bedtime and I definitely think it was a major reason why we love to read! I love 5 Seconds of Summer!
    Agree with you on the bullet journal posts – love reading them because they’re so pretty?

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