Things I need to remind myself of in 2020..

Good morning!
This is officially my first post of 2020, woohoo!! As the end of the year just passed us by, you may had seen the lots of “what 2019 taught me” kinds of posts.. and it was while reading one that my brain clicked that I have a few things that I do need to work onto to see the more “positive” side of things in 2020 (or even the whole new decenie in general).
I figured, what’s better than writting and sharing them with other people ? Writting not only tend to make it stick to your brain alot better, but maybe it would help more people realizing some of thoses too — Or even give me even more ideas through the comments.
* This post has been inspired by Lottie @ lottie is writting’s post, 10 things 2019 taught me*
1- Your day-to-day life isn’t gonna be as exciting as what media or books pictures
I had a breakdown about this one last year; as silly as it may sound, I thought I was wasting my life away by having my days consisting of going to work and come back home chillin’ or blogging. Truth is .. that’s what everyone else is doing too. I need to keep in mind that doing all the exciting things not only cost LOTS of money, but also lots of energy; one can’t be ONLY doing that in their lives.
2- It’s more than okay not to be productive 24/7
We are only humans – our body need the rest. We just CAN’T work all the time.. I assume this one will take me longer to take in than the others; as my brain took a bad hit after being un-employed for a period of 9months, desperately searching and trying to get a job and always coming back empty handed. I’ve probably never felt more like a failure than in that time .. and while it’s over now, and i’m almost always at work (doing overtime, being called to come in earlier/later, etc.) my mindset over this sadly stayed the same. Even on my few days off, I just NEED to do atleast one thing productive; which usually is blogging.
3- There’s nothing wrong with being “low energy”
Listen to your body; if you’re tired, you are tired. It’s okay to rest and maybe have a little nap, even if it’s just closing your eyes for a few minutes. That’s something i’ve been hitting myself with – no matter if it was after a day at work or just casually doing anything in my days off.. I just seems to always need to nap.
4- Take more time for yourself
In the past two months, I seemed to get better with this one. Just a part of my day where I close my computer, lay on the couch and just play little games on my iPad or my switch.. and just isolate myself from people a little bit. No discord, no texting, no social media checking.. Just myself, the weeins, and whatever that i’m deciding to do. Ideally, i’d love to be able to include some reading in here.. but depending on wether my parents are there and making noises or not, aswell as “being tired” settling in, it might need some more work for that one.
Do you have things you need to improve in 2020 too?
Share them with us! xx
I completely feel #1!! This would be hard for me when I would see people on social media attending events all the time while I’m just chilling at home for the weekend in PJs. It’s just a highlight real and not realistic. Plus, relaxing at home is so nice too.
You have listed some really good reminders!
Thank you!
Yep.. i’d be the same — meanwhile I kinda like staying home and gaming 😂🤭
These all apply to me and I have to take them into account for sure! Best of luck 🙂
Thank you!
Best of luck to you aswell 😘
#2 and #3 are too relatable. But new decade, new me right? 💪🏻
We’ll try our best ✌🏼
This is amazing! I love how important this all is even though it seems not that important. I 100% relate to all of these. I’ve had an awful year last year and this year will definitely change for the better, but I will keep these points in mind because I’m sure they won’t just help me, but people around me aswell.
Aww thank you!
May this year truly is better for you! xx
oh gosh these are so applicable to my life too 😅
i’ve been in college/uni for 2.5 years and yet every semester I somehow think that it’ll magically be THE ONE where my life becomes interesting and social, and I definitely blame media for telling me it would be so exciting haha.
last year i did get a little better about letting myself take breaks and take things easier; I started getting up earlier so that I would have time in the mornings to think and prepare for the day instead of rushing to get to class on time. it also helps that i started dividing up my bullet journal to list off the 1-3 most important things I wanted to do every day so that I wouldn’t just fill my day with a bunch of small tasks while increasing my stress through procrastination. having a single room was also really nice for taking time to myself, though I am *so bad* at not checking discord or facebook messenger every five minutes honestly.
along similar lines, in 2020 i think one of my focuses will be doing things just because i want to, just because they’re fun – little adventures like studying at a new coffee shop or learning how to do a handstand or going to the movie theater by myself. not necessarily “cool” things, but hopefully they’ll bring me a bit of joy and happy memories to look back on!
Oh my god, I feel like I missed out on my college years SO MUCH — still lived with my parents, so no party, no drinking no nothing xD (and I didn’t studied that much either – just.. you know,not even having that many friends)
now that’s a good idea; 1-3 most important thing you wanna do daily in your bujo. my only concern is that i’d take it too seriously and feel even worse if I can’t do them for some reason ..
But I agree that it should be a bit easier to get more time for yourself and relax when you aren’t actually surrounded by people 24/7.. xd
yeah!! Go you – little things can means alot too. Feel better about yourself (specially the going alone part)
It also depends on where you live. I totally lived the life when I was still in L.A., but now I’m in a tiny town in Arkansas, taking care of my Mom, so I’m back to working my 40 hours and then doing nothing but chores, reading blogs, reading books, watching Netflix, going grocery shopping. And I’m ok with that. It ’tis what it ’tis. I’m grateful to have all a-ya’ll in the blogging community to keep me company and entertained.
Aew 🥰
Yeah, I suppose it’s true. I’ve also never lived anywhere else than small canadian towns (where bands and people rarely even tour at, hah)
So much this! All of these are things I have to constantly remind myself. Especially since I have a chronic, debilitating medical condition that has slowly grown worse. Things I could handle even just six months ago, I now have trouble with. I’ve had to try to come to terms with the fact that *all* chores are more difficult, and I have to break them into much smaller chunks.
Although I don’t have a chronic medical condition (as far as I know), I do feel like things has became harder for me aswell – I just get tired so much more easier, it seems.
It’s okay – we can do this. Our body is the way it is and sadly we cannot make it work like we’d want to. We have to stop to overdo ourselves and adapt our brains. Sending you some love ❤️
These are osme really good things to remember! I know that a lot of people think my life is always adventurous and active because I am usually very busy in my month. But I have my fair share of go to uni and come back and study days too. And I also have a lot of low energy days – in fact January is a low enegry month for me lol. I hope I can learn and remember the productivity one too. I struggle with that.
With all you do, you deserve to take rests days ❤️ we all need some!
Winter months, and specially January are probably the worst for energy xd idk if that’s the same where you live, but here the sun gets rarer.. so we all lack that good vit. d ahah (the vit. C aswell)