Top 5 Tuesday ~ books that changed my life

Good morning!
It has been a while since i’ve joined Meeghan for this one, the last time had been in October 😅 I really liked this prompt, though it definately needed some thinking, and I’m eager to hear everyone’s books for this one!
Top 5 Tuesday was created by Shanah @ Bionic Book Worm, and is now being hosted by Meeghan @ Meeghan reads. Here’s the prompts for January up to March!
✿ 25 January: Top 5 books that changed my life
Now that we’re looking at our new beginnings, let’s see what inspired us!! What are 5 books that inspired something great in you, or changed your life??
✿ Sweet Thing, Renée Carlino [X]
5years ago now, it was after successfully finishing this book (the ONE in months!) that I decided to reach out and create my blog on a whim. I do believe the blog helped me greatly with my problem, and i’ve slowly rose my books read to 30- after being hardly able to finish one, keeping DNfing books after books because I couldn’t remember what I was reading. It’s amazing! ❤️
✿ The heart between us, Lindsey Harrel [X]
My very first Netgalley read, doubled with the first book that i’ve ever read involving an organ transplant. Being the daughter of a woman that received a kidney from a deceased donor, it meant alot to me.. and oh lord did I cried. It gave me an entire shift onto actually being the one receiving it, but also an insight of all the world (quite literally with this one) that this just opened for you.
✿ Reasons to Stay alive, Matt Haig [X]
As we probably all know, I had to include this one; I just talked about it on my non-fictions that helped me with my anxiety/depression journey ; but this one had been THE very first non-fiction of the kind that I picked up, and part of why I reached out for more as it helped made me realize things.
✿ First In, Danika Bloom [X]
The very first erotica that i’ve read, and inspired me to get more! (which i’ve yet to do.. but I bought the 2nd of this serie) — Not only had this one opened my eyes that hey, thoses books can actually have a love story attached to them; but I still think about some scenes where the couple just fool around mid-session and falled off the bed 😂 bringing this to some kind of normalcy.
Bonus; Our female MC was virgin at 24, and I had so much giggles out of her throwing out Quebec french swears (mine! though im not from Quebec, we’ve been living close enough to the border that we get them too).. and the confusion that followed!
✿ What I like about you, Marisa Kanter [X]
One of the handful that i’ve read involving books; Book bloggers! So surreal to read with a book blogosphere inside of it, the same one we’re in. We’ve followed her through making book photographs to write book reviews, keeping her anonymous entity online, and all the behind of the scenes we’ve all been doing. I’ve became addicted instantly- sadly there doesn’t seem to have many out on the subject..
And here are thoses that I decided to pick, ofcourse there’s still many others on a different scaling; i’ve gave you (2) more important that really brought me something, while the other (3) were mainly a start for me to branch onto a specific subject/genre.
What are your book(s) that changed your life?
Great list! What I Like About You is on my TBR and I hope to read it soon, glad to hear you enjoyed it! I also heard many good things about Matt Haig’s writing, definitely need to try it out.
You absolutely should! I both enjoyed Haig’s nonfiction aswell as it’s fiction midnight library.
I sure hope you enjoy what I like about you as much as I did ✨
Happy reading! Xx
Amazing list, and I really need to read the Melissa Kanter book as it’s on my TBR!! Glad you loved the others as well. The one about the organ transplant sounds lovely.
Glad you had fun this week and that you enjoyed the topic 💕
Omg yes, you absolutely should read it !! It was really lovely, i’m so happy I ended up finding it on Netgalley when I did.
Thank you xx
Such a great list! Adding reasons to stay alive to my list as I heard great things about it! Thank you for sharing x
Yess!! My personal favorite, I hope you’d like it too ☺️ happy reading xx
I love this list! I can’t wait to read What I Like About You, it sounds SO good!! 🙂
Oh yes it was truly amazing; you have to read it !! 🥰
Wonderful list! Really curious about What I like about you, Marisa Kanter
Ah, wonderful- love hearing this 🥰 might you get to read it, and enjoy it too!