Gaming Confession; I don’t actually finish games..

Gaming Confession; I don’t actually finish games..


I don’t know if this actually shocks you or not; even though you can catch me spending countless amount of hours every day gaming- I rarely ever finish anything 😅 You’d think it might be because I don’t play a game enough.. but for me it’s quite the opposite.



Related; My wierder gaming habits


I’ve started gaming pretty early as a child, as my teenage uncle probably thought it’d be easier for him to babysit me by giving me his old nintendos with games.. I never stopped ever since 😅 This decision of his really shaped my life; having introduced me to Zelda & pokemon, both being loved franchise of mine even 20years later. I also kept the habits around gaming that I developped then around his (and what he teached me) too.

I’m definately more interrested toward longer or never-ending games, which is probably adding to the reason why.. This sadly has a negative impact on indie games, that i’m less inclined to pick up because they’re so short.


However, the main reason why I don’t finish my games, is because i’m a maniac restarter. On my first play I might reach halfway before getting the urge to restart, then i’d reach ~75% before doing it, and so on and so forth of discovering slightly more of the game without actually reaching the end of it 😅

I also go through phases where I only play this one game obsessively; being strongly into solely doing the minigames/sidequests instead of the main story, while surprisingly not being a “completionist” of needing to collect every. single. thing. inside it. Then eventually it wears off and pick something else to obsess with. Returning to it, I almost always restart them- especially games like farming sims where you don’t actually remember what you were doing before you left off months ago.


Slight exceptions with the games like Death road to Canada, Streets of rogue or even the Hyrule Warriors, where you can play however many “games” that you want as you unlock things by doing specific quests. Each playthrough are also randomized in the first two, so you don’t actually have the same playthrough twice.. and you have random events showing up that you might never experience within your first times, aswell as different maps in itself.



Do you like restarting games, or are you a completionist?
Do people actually finish their games? 😜

4 thoughts on “Gaming Confession; I don’t actually finish games..

  1. I’m definitely more of a fan of never-ending games like Animal Crossing or farming sims because I’m not great at completing games either. Usually if I get to a difficult bit, or if it gets too frustrating it isn’t fun any more so I just quit. These days the only games I really complete are Pokemon games, and I only complete the story, I definitely don’t collect everything or complete the whole Pokedex or anything!
    I don’t often restart games though!

    1. Same!! Neverending games are my true love, and I also do the same thing 🤣 thats usually when I restart my game.. when im stuck & I ragequit ahaha
      See rn im stuck in brilliant diamond at the elite four.. there’s only one or two pokemon games that ive been able to beat them 🙃

    1. Ohno ahaha somehow my bestfriend isn’t a gamer either 😅 we are absolutely two different kinds (she doesn’t read either.. but my absolute soulmate!)

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