Top Ten Tuesday ~ Posts I’ve Written That Give You the Best Glimpse of Me

Hey guys!

I LOVE this prompt, although we are coming in late as I had my wrap up scheduled already for the thursday.. but better late than never. We are doing the August 27th prompt today: Posts I’ve Written That Give You the Best Glimpse of Me (Share the blog/Insta/Twitter posts or YouTube/TikTok videos you’ve made that showcase your personality the most and offer the clearest window into your personality. These are the posts you wish everyone would read!)

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.


Why Dachshunds?! (2020)

Let’s start by the reason why I picked this particular breed of dog, as it’s part of my blog name after all: Books and dachshunds.


➞  The power of love; taking care of my mother (2020)

I’ve been my mother’s caretaker since my teenage years. Mother and I have a very strong bond, and i’m the one designated to take care of the house (cleaning wise, like the floors) aswell as responding to mother’s need – like when she’s sick or after a surgery – along with working full time as a Barista. My dad has the “bread maker” status aswell as more home keeping stuff like cutting the grass, changing car tires, etc.


➞ A special Sunday (2018)

In case you didn’t knew, my mother received a kidney transplant in 2015. She had been on dialysis for a few years because of kidney failure; fun fact she has 3 kidneys! the new one that works perfectly, and her two old ones that has ~10% of capacity. This post was for the anniversary of her kidney transplant where I explained more about it and organ donation, something very important to me.


➞  Hommage to Grisette (2024) & Majora’s Theory (2022)

I’ve had a black and white kitty growing up; she was just the sweetest.. but following Mother’s transplant in 2015, we had to let her go unfortunately after a decade of her being with us. In 2022, I just had to adopt this black and white kitten of 16weeks who looked JUST like her- so much that I kinda believe that she sent him for me. (In case you’re wondering; his name is Majora. Grisette was my old Kitty’s)


➞ Learning english as a second language (2022)

As I am today, I’m perfectly fluent in both French and English; but in this post, I’ve shared my experience of learning english as a second language.. which took me 7 years 😅


➞ Never be ashamed of taking anti-depressant (2020) / Breaking the stigma of MH medications (2023)

This one is one of my favorite i’ve written! I’ve been medicated for a decade now for Anxiety and Depression, which i’m very vocal about it. In this one, i’m trying to break a bit of the stigma about taking medication for mental health.


➞  Mental health talk; my dachshunds saved my life (2020)

Following the last post we’ve just seen about anti-depressant, I’ve hit a very dark part in my life just before I’ve gotten on those meds where I wanted to end it.. and just the existance of my dogs saved me.


Trichotillomania awareness (2024) & My fight with Trichotillomania (2023)

Another illness that I’m suffering from, is trichotillomania. The act of repetively pulling hair/eyebrows/any hair on your body. I’ve had visible bald spot on my head from it before, or barely any eyebrows left.. in itself the condition is very common, but there’s lot’s of stigma around it.


Wow, that was fast; I definately could’ve kept going! There’s lots of other things that I’ve written that can fit the bill, i’m quite the oversharer ahah! 😅



Do you remember any of these posts?
Which posts you’ve written that would best represent yourself?


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