What I like to see in my review requests

What I like to see in my review requests

Good morning!

Although I can’t say that I receive alot of those, I have been getting a few lately! Two in particular I had quite appreciate; as it’s quite easy to find lists of what you shouldn’t do while contacting bloggers, let’s find out what you can do right.


1- Take the time to get the name right. Check our bios or linked socials – using the website name is a definite sign that it had been sent “automatic” without much after thought πŸ˜… No personnalisation, like we’re just a number. Even after years of breaking up with my ex and removing him from the blog, have a gotten “dear Alex” stuff πŸ™ƒ


2- Letting us know you read our blogs. Even just one simple sentence to tell us you’ve read some of our reviews and liked X or Y about them. Or it can even be completely unrelated to reviews, like talking of my love of dachshunds or something I posted about recently.


3- Points from our review request guide page. It’s always good pointers to let us know you’re read our page; why should I read your book? Is it in one of my prefered genre, or themes that I enjoy? Could it be similar from one of my loved novel?


4Book synopsis included. I’m quite lazy, I don’t necessarely like to go click a link to read what the book is about- tell me. I also don’t care of the “for fans of ..” or which blogger liked it either πŸ˜… tell me plain and simple what the book is about, or copy/paste the synopsis. A media picture can also do.


5- No pressure!! We all know we don’t have time to read all the books; furthermore as we aren’t getting paid for doing this.. we might get alot or we might not, but it’s to our discretion if we want to work with you. Take that into consideration, how we might not reply if we aren’t interested, and please don’t attach the file right away!



What else do you like to be included in review requests?
What do you absolutely despise getting?

6 thoughts on “What I like to see in my review requests

  1. I agree with getting the name right. I have an unusual and uncommon name, so I will give a little leeway on spelling. But, I do get requests directed to my daughter….lmao. For the longest time, I couldn’t figure out where they were getting her name from until I realized my email address has her name in it. I will very nicely correct them and I can count on one hand the times an author has freaked out (and no, I didn’t review for them). My

    1. Oh no πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ yeah that’s an incredible faux-pas..

      1. It is….lol. I do get a good giggle out of it and ask my daughter when she started reviewing books (FYI: she doesn’t read).

  2. Oooh I love this! Because that’s exactly how I feel! Also if you say you don’t accept ARC, stop sending me messages!

    1. Omg. That has to be my pet peeves πŸ€¦πŸ½β€β™€οΈ I wrote that if I don’t want to, I wont reply. Youknow, got other things to do.. and they keep. Resending it. πŸ™ƒ
      Like nono, I did saw it-

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