When depression hits.. increased by winter & unemployment

Hello everyone,
November is knocking at our door very quickly, we only have a few days left in October. It’s no surprise that alot of us might start to feel the seasonal depression creepling in.. which in my case is greatly affected by having lost my job almost a month ago in the end of September.
I’ve always been one of those person that feels empowered by my work, taking great pride in doing my work right and working harder than most.. which led me straight into a burnout when covid first hit as we were only two workers at that time, and I was basically working for two people as my peer wasn’t doing much of her own part.
Needless to say, I hadn’t seen it coming; everything was great, I was happy, learning and improving.. I had nothing but good reviews! Suddently, I was out of job. Though I have nothing to worry for financial issues this time around, it sucked the life out of me.
Out of nowhere, I now had nothing to do of myself – my pride taken away – and browsing jobs, I didn’t even know what I wanted. In fact, I actually knew what I wanted, I wanted my job back but alas.. not an option. I’ll admit my suicidal idealisation came back at that time too, as what am I suppose to do with my life now, THAT was what I had thought it would be spent. It quickly took a backseat in my brain though, as I now have a 3rd animal needing me, aswell as my new goddaughter & my bestfriend who need my help to face this new step of her life, as we always did.
Cherry on the sundae, good old seasonal depression came to spice things up 💫 The past weeks had been ugly, raining, and a limbo of warmth/cold weather.
I’ve felt myself really slipping in it, though everyone told me to take this as a vacation to do things I love: read more, walk my dogs, rests.. the bad weather really made it hard. I was already sad about the situation, uncertain of where I wanna go to next, anger about having gone through 5 interviews for nobody to call me back .. let’s say it’s “improving” the bad mood rather than easing it.
Since i’m constantly at home, my insomnia had worsen up. What started as small zits on my scalps are now huge wounds.. as when i’m anxious or can’t sleep at night, I have the habit to pick and scatch at things. Which is a pretty good indicator of my anxiety level, the higher it is, the more violently I scratches. Added layer of my restless legs giving me a hard time aswell as it mysteriously start acting up more with the rain (we think there must be arthritis in my legs too..)
I recently started taking measures, forcing me to get out or be around people – which did made me feel a bit better lately, though my insomnia is still kicking.
My godmother just spend 4days with us, then we are going to stay a night at my bestfriend’s, spending time with her & the baby, to finally going to retouch my zelda tattoo later on in the week. Hopefully I can find a workplace where I feel like I belong and get called back sooner than later- I can’t see myself going forward with this much longer.. though I gotta say it wouldn’t be such a bad thing in snow storms or blizzards 😅
Have you went through this before, has seasonal depression got you yet?
Any tips that might work to help my research and/or momentally feel better?
I’m so sorry to hear that you’re struggling with seasonal depression right now. I really hope that you’re able to find some things that bring you joy and can even make this particular time of year brighter and feel more worth living. Sending you virtual hugs!
Aw thank you so much 💕
I’ve forced myself to do more things; my godmother came to stay 4days with us, we travelled to see my bestfriend for a sleepover and i’m going to retouch/add on my tattoo. Feeling better 🥰
I’m sorry to hear about your job. I suffer from depression year round, but I do find it way worse in the winter. It’s hard to get outside when it’s cold, but I’m going to try to a bit more this year. I hope things get better for you soon.
Thank you!
Yess me too, and I can’t even count on the dogs because my male sure dont wanna go in the cold either! 🤣 even with a sweater on.
I ended up going back as a barista; my old boss kept asking about me and came to find me. On one hand it’s nice on my anxiety as I know most people and I know what im doing very well, as i’ve done it for 4yrs 😅 I don’y have to start over just now
It’s great that your old boss found you. I hope it all works out.
So far so good!
I’ve been blessed by so many regulars welcoming me back, saying how happy they were to see me. I always need that reassurance that you matter more than you think
That’s great! I’m happy for you!
So sorry to hear that you lost your job, Kristina. Sending you all the love 💕 Mental Health is so real. I don’t usually deal with depression but more anxiety, self-loathing, self-doubt. Even more during the winter months when you’re forced to stay home most days. And I also lost my job during covid, interviews back and forth with no call back or rejection. Luckily I have grad school to focus on now, until I find another job.
Usually same, but ofcourse losing a job I loved without reason brought out my depression side 😬
I’ve been there my first time too! So awful how they can play you like that.. hoping you’ll get a good one you love once the time is right 💕
Awwww thank you you’re so sweet 🥹 I wish you the same with your job hunting. Though I saw in another comment you got a new job! 🙌🏾
Yes!! I went back to my barista job- as of which soothes me in a way to not be starting over 😅